Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:General Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Adoption of a Resolution authorizing the General Manager to waive the formal bidding process to proceed with emergency repairs to sewer line and sink hole on Lenore Street, Garden Grove. (Cost: $300,000) (Action Item)



To present to the Garden Grove Sanitary District a Resolution authorizing the General Manager or his designee to waive the formal bidding process as an emergency condition, declaring the necessity thereof, and authorizing staff to proceed with emergency repairs to the sewer line and sink hole on Lenore Street, between Springdale and Lamplighter Streets.


On Thursday, February 2, 2017, Public Works, Water Services Section staff inspected a sewer line on Lenore Street between Springdale Street and Lamplighter Street due to a sink hole that occurred in the same location. The camera inspection revealed that the sewer line had sunk and broken in a couple of locations. Paulus Engineering was called out to make emergency repairs to the sewer line, and it was also discovered that one of the residential laterals was broken near the sewer line. 


The contractor, Paulus Engineering, found high ground water levels in the area of repair that requires the installation of de-watering wells and pumps prior to repairing the sewer line and residential lateral. The residential lateral will remain out of service until repairs are made, which requires the resident be temporarily re-located to a local hotel until the repairs are made. Due to the need to repair the sewer line, the street, and the residential lateral, the General Manager authorized moving forward with the required work pending the approval by the Sanitary District Board of the Resolution approving the emergency work.


The Water Services Division anticipates that the total cost to be approximately $300,000, for Paulus Engineering to make emergency repairs of an 8-inch sewer line, residential lateral, and hotel housing for the resident.


It is recommended that the Sanitary District Board of Directors:


  • Adopt the Resolution authorizing the General Manager or his designee to waive the formal bidding process as an emergency condition, declaring the necessity thereof, and authorizing staff to proceed with emergency repairs to the sewer line and sink hole on Lenore Street.

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Resolution 2/23/2017Cover MemoGGSD_Resolution_Approving_Sinkhole_on_Lenore_Emergency_Repairs_2-28-17.docx