Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Todd D. Elgin
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police 

Approval of Purchase Addendums for Public Safety tracking software modules from Spillman Technologies. (Cost: $92,553) (Action Item



To seek City Council approval to purchase software modules from Spillman Technologies for tracking employee performance and improving workflow efficiency.


In September of 2016, the Garden Grove Police Department purchased and transitioned to Spillman Technologies software; an integrated public safety software system that replaced over twelve stand-alone computer systems that controlled the operations of the Police Department.  The system has been live for more than a year, and the product has met and exceeded performance expectations. 


This paperless real-time reporting software system is frequently updated at no additional cost other than annual maintenance charges.  Occasionally, new product modules are developed and released at an additional cost.  Four products recently became available that improve efficiencies and allow Police Management to monitor the performance of Officers, Report Writers, and Dispatchers.  Department staff has seen demonstrations of these products and believe they will be a valuable addition to the software suite.


Members of the Garden Grove Police Department Spillman Steering Committee recently evaluated three new products offered by Spillman Technologies.  They include: Learning Management System, CAD Management Dashboard, Command Staff Productivity, and the Arrest Form Module.


The CAD Management Dashboard will enable supervisors and managers to view call natures and frequency, compare response times to national standards, monitor dispatch efficiency and determine where to make adjustments in staffing or training, and see calls on Google Maps.  It also allows supervisors to customize the dashboard with specific call natures, date ranges, and agency information.


The Command Staff Productivity Dashboard will enable supervisors and managers to monitor in real-time officer workload and performance, compare shift workload to determine staffing needs and deployment schedules, monitor and compare free patrol to structured patrol time.  The dashboard will provide supervisors and managers timely data to monitor and identify efficiency issues as well as provide statistical data to help determine officer staffing levels.


The Arrest Forms Module is an important component in maximizing efficiencies with the Spillman software.  The module will eliminate the need for officers to physically write arrestee and charge information on a paper form for jailers to electronically reenter during the booking process.  This module will save time and will reduce the amount of human error during the data entry phase of the process.  The module will allow jailers to electronically transfer all data from the arrest form to the jail booking module, eliminating the need for redundant entry.


The Learning Management System is a web-based learning portal that will be used for Department module training for Spillman users and Spillman System Administrators.  The portal will be available to all users of the system and is a training resource that can be used for individual training or group training.  This resource will be used for the initial training of new hires as well as remedial training for personnel that need further instruction to become proficient in using the software.  The program offers easy-to-read instruction with screen shots, video examples, and there is an exam component to test proficiency and identify areas of remediation.


Each module is specifically designed to work within the Spillman software suite.


The initial purchase of the three modules will be made using public safety restricted funds appropriated in the FY 2016-2017 budget.  There will be no impact to the General Fund.  The initial cost of the modules are as follows:


CAD Management Dashboard $24,410
Mobile Arrest Form $35,383
Command Staff Productivity $27,549
Learning Management System $  5,211
 Total $92,553


Each product requires annual maintenance, which begins in the second year (beginning around March 2018).  The combined estimated annual maintenance cost for the second year is $16,530.  This cost will be a General Fund liability and will be addressed as a budget increase request during the budget process for the FY 2017-2018. 


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve Purchase Addendums, in the total amount of $92,553, for the CAD Management Dashboard, Command Staff Productivity, and the Arrest Form Module from Spillman Technologies; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to sign the Purchase Addendums on behalf of the City.




By: Travis Whitman, Captain

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