Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott Stiles

From:Tom Schultz
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Fire 

Authorize the issuance of a purchase order to Aardvark for Project 7 armor equipment for Fire and Police Departments.  (Cost:  $92,301.30) (Action Item)



To secure City Council authorization to purchase Project 7 armor for the Fire Department’s Tactical Emergency Medical Services (TEMS), and the Police Department’s Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT). 


The Fire Department’s specialized TEMS is designed to augment the Police Department’s SWAT.  SWAT is highly trained in the use of special weapons and tactics for the purpose of handling high risk situations involving barricaded suspects, hostage takers, high risk warrant service, or other situations.  The TEMS members train with the SWAT team, respond when needed, and are infused in the SWAT team to secure immediate life-saving medical treatment for officers and residents in the danger zone during high-risk incidents.  Additionally, for standardization, TEMS must be equipped with the same SWAT level protective armor gear.


Both the Fire and Police Department are in need of a combined total of 16 sets of protective armor to fully outfit TEMS, and replace expired sets in SWAT.  Protective armor gear has a shelf-life and once expired the life-saving capability is compromised.  The Fire and Police Department collaboratively looked at the industry’s best in protective armor and field tested different brands.  Project 7 armor is the brand that best meets the needs of TEMS and SWAT.  Section 2.50.060 C. of the Municipal Code bidding may be dispensed when the Finance Director has determined that the commodity is only available through one vendor. 


The Fire and Police Department will utilize public safety restrictive funds to cover the cost.  There will be no additional burden to the City’s general fund.


It is recommended that City Council:


  • Authorize the use of sole source distributor Aardvark for the purchase of all Project 7 Armor; and

  • Authorize the Finance Director to issue a purchase order to Aardvark in the amount of $92,301.30 for the purchase of 16 Project 7 armor sets for use by the Fire and Police Departments.


By:  Lucia Medina-Whittaker, Fiscal Analyst


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Attachment 1 - AARTAC Project 7 Sole Source12/20/2016Backup MaterialAttachment_1_-_AARTAC_Project_7_Sole_Source.pdf