Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Award of Contract to Abundant Water Wells for the destruction of three (3) water wells at 11741 Gilbert Street, 13962 Yockey Street, and 10819 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove. (Cost: $89,385) (Action Item)



To seek City Council approval to award a contract to Abundant Water Wells to destroy three (3) orphan water wells located at at 11741 Gilbert Street, 13962 Yockey Street, and 10819 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove.


An abandoned water well can be a safety hazard and a potential conduit for groundwater contamination.  A water well that is no longer useful must be destroyed in order to ensure that the groundwater supply is protected and preserved for further use, and to eliminate any potential physical hazard.  The destruction of water wells at 11741 Gilbert Street, 13962 Yockey Street, and 10819 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove, shall be in accordance with Orange County Ordinance No. 2607.


An invitation for bids, IFB No. S-1205, was issued and advertised on November 9, 2016, for the destruction of the water wells. Two (2) bids were received as follows with Abundant Water Wells deemed as the responsive bid:


Company Name 

Total Bid Amount
Abundant Water Wells $ 89,385.00
Best Drilling and Pump, Inc. $115,000.00

Funds for this purchase are available in the Water Operations Fund, adopted in the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 budget. The scrap metal will be sold at the current market value.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award a contract to Abundant Water Wells in the amount of $89,385.00 for the destruction of three (3) orphan water wells at 11741 Gilbert Street, 13962 Yockey Street, and 10819 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the City and make modifications as necessary.



By:  Cel Pasillas, Water Quality Supervisor

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