Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 6.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kimberly Huy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Consideration of a recommendation from the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission regarding joint use agreements with the Garden Grove Unified School District. (Action Item



For the City Council to consider a recommendation from the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission, to direct staff to open discussions with the Garden Grove Unified School District regarding joint use agreements for the use of additional school properties for recreation programming and activities.  


On the October 13, 2016, the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission meeting, Chair Montoya shared his concern regarding park poor neighborhoods and the possibility of opening up discussions with the Garden Grove Unified School District to use school land, including parking lots, as open park space for recreational programming. Currently, the City has six (6) joint use agreements with the Garden Grove Unified School District at the following locations:


  • Chapman Sports Complex
  • Edgar Park
  • Hare School Park
  • Morningside Park
  • Pioneer Park
  • Woodbury Park Pool


As part of these joint use agreements, the City is responsible to provide funding to maintain and program all six facilities. 


On November 7, 2016, the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission made a motion to make a recommendation to the City Council to request that staff open up discussions with the Garden Grove Unified School District regarding joint use agreements for the use of additional school properties, including parking lots, to be used for recreation programming and activities.  


There is no financial impact at this time. 

The Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission recommends that the City Council:


  • Direct City staff to open discussions with the Garden Grove Unified School District to look at opportunities for additional joint use agreements. 



By:  John Montanchez, Community Services Manager

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