Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.e.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Award of a contract for on-call construction inspection services to Civiltec Engineering, Inc., for water infrastructure rehabilitation projects.  (Cost:  $151,705) (Action Item)



That the City Council award a contract for on-call construction inspection services of the MWD Interconnect and PRV Facilities Rehabilitation Project and the Well No. 21 Redevelopment Project to Civiltec Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $151,705.


The City requires outside expertise for inspecting these rehabilitation and redevelopment projects. The construction contract for the MWD Interconnect and PRV Facilities Rehabilitation Project was awarded in September 2016, and the construction is scheduled to commence in November 2016. The Well No. 21 Redevelopment Project will be advertised within four (4) months for construction bids.


The projects consist of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the rehabilitation of three (3) MWD Import Interconnect and two (2) PRV Vaults, and the redevelopment of Well No. 21. These projects include: replacement of existing control cabinets, valves, hatches, various fittings, and appurtenances; sand blasting, scraping, patching, repairing and painting of all appurtenances in and part of the vaults; and all necessary well redevelopment activities.


Three (3) firms submitted proposals. Staff members rated the proposals on the basis of qualifications without considering cost. Based on evaluation results, Civiltech Engineering, Inc., rated highest in qualifications and its ability to provide inspection services for these projects.


The following is a summary of the ratings with the highest total as the most  qualified:  


                      Civiltec Engineering KOA            JIG Consultants 
Rater A                  165           161                 161
Rater B                  155          148.5                 153.5
Rater C                  161          160.5                 152.5
 Total                  481          470                 467


Upon selection of the most qualified firm, staff interviewed Civiltec Engineering, Inc., to negotiate an agreement for their services.


These inspection services will be financed with Water Funds in the amount of $151,705. There will be no impact to the General Fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award a contract for inspection services to Civiltec Engineering, Inc. for the MWD Interconnect and PRV Facilities Rehabilitation Project and the Well No. 21 Redevelopment Project in the amount of $151,705; and
  • Authorize the City Manager to sign the professional service agreement with Civiltec Engineering, Inc., for the inspection services of the MWD Interconnect and PRV Facilities Rehabilitation Project and the Well No. 21 Redevelopment Project.



By:    Samuel Kim, P.E., Project Engineer

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Professional Services Agreement10/31/2016Cover MemoAttachment_No_1_-_Professional_Service_Contract.pdf