Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.h.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kimberly Huy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Approval of an Agreement with the A Plus Education Organization to conduct the 2017 Tet Festival. (Action Item)



To recommend that the City Council approve an Agreement between the City and the A Plus Education Organization to conduct the 2017 Tet Festival at Garden Grove Park the weekend of February 4 through February 5, 2017.


In August 2016, staff received a letter request from the A Plus Education Organization proposing to conduct a two-day Tet Festival at Garden Grove Park beginning Saturday, February 4 through Sunday, February 5, 2017. The proposed festival would be similar to the previous Tet Festival, which was last held in 2015. The festival will include carnival rides, food, vendors and traditional entertainment and activities.  


Attached is the Agreement with the A Plus Education Organization allowing them to conduct the 2017 Tet Festival at Garden Grove Park. The more significant aspects of this Agreement include provisions related to the reimbursement for City support and all direct costs, allowable festival activities and insurance requirements. The proposed Agreement has been approved to form by the City Attorney. 


Included in this Agreement is the requirement that the A Plus Education Organization reimburse the City for all of the direct costs incurred by the City in support of the Tet Festival. The A Plus Education Organization will be required to pay an initial payment to the City in the amount of $40,000 thirty (30) days before the festival event. After the Tet Festival, the A Plus Education Organization is to reimburse the City the remainder, if any, of City costs. 


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve the Agreement with the A Plus Education Organization to conduct the 2017 Tet Festival at Garden Grove Park, beginning Saturday, February 4 through Sunday, February 5, 2017; and

  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement, including any minor amendments thereto, on behalf of the City. 

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Agreement9/7/2016Backup MaterialTET_Agreement.pdf