Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 7.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Award Contract to Cora Constructors, Inc. for construction of Project No. 7369 - The MWD Interconnect and PRV Facilities Rehabilitation. (Cost: $526,000) (Action Item)



To recommend that the City Council award a contract to Cora Constructors, Inc. for construction of Project No. 7369 - The MWD Interconnect and PRV Facilities Rehabilitation.


The City has four (4) import water feeder connections with Metropolitan Water District (MWD) and two (2) pressure reduce valve (PRV) stations for two different pressure zones. These facilities are installed within underground vaults. Physical inspection and evaluation of the facilities have been conducted and found that immediate rehabilitation is required for some of the facilities.


This project consists of furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and all incidentals necessary for the rehabilitation of three (3) MWD Interconnect Vaults and two (2) PRV Vaults. The rehabilitation will include all necessary sand blasting, scraping, patching, repairing and painting of all appurtenances in and part of the vaults. Also included are replacement and/or painting of existing valves, hatches, various fittings, above grade cabinets and their respective housekeeping pads, and other necessary appurtenances.


Seven (7) bids were received and opened by the City Clerk’s Office on May 16, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. (see attached Bid Summary Sheet). The lowest responsive bidder is Cora Constructors, Inc. with a total bid in the amount of $526,000.  This bid is within the current project budget. The license and references of the contractor have been reviewed and verified by staff, and all other documentation is in order. 


The anticipated contract schedule is:          


Award Contract               September 13, 2016          

Begin Construction          October 20, 2016          

Complete Construction     March 1, 2017


There is no impact to the General Fund.  This project is included in the 2016/17 Capital Improvement Budget and will be financed with Water Funds.  


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award a contract to Cora Constructors, Inc. for Project No. 7369 - The MWD Interconnect and PRV Facilities Rehabilitation, in the amount of $526,000; and Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City, and make minor modifications as appropriate.


By:  Samuel Kim, P.E., Project Engineer

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Attachment No. 1 - Bid Summary Sheet8/23/2016Cover MemoAttachment_No_1_-_Bid_Results.docx
Attachment No. 2 - Construction Agreement8/25/2016Cover MemoConstruction_Agreement_8-18-16.pdf