Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 7.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kimberly Huy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Award of contract to Astra Builders, Inc. for the Garden Grove Community Meeting Center Council Chamber Renovation, City Project No. 7664. (Cost: $417,500) (Action Item) 



To request that the City Council award a contract to Astra Builders, Inc. for the renovation of the Garden Grove Community Meeting Center (CMC) Council Chamber.


On October 13, 2015, the City Council approved the request to proceed with Phase Two of the CMC remodel that encompassed the Council Chamber. As part of the renovations, the final ADA upgrades would bring the CMC into ADA compliance that included the addition of a ramp at the dais, leveling staff seating, removing twelve (12) seats from the audience seating and lowering the podium. Additional upgrades included audio/visual upgrades, replacing floor finishes, replacing window coverings with mesh shades, additional acoustical panels, painting, patching and repair. 


On June 29, 2016, the City issued an Invitation for Bids for the renovation of the CMC Council Chamber. Four (4) bids were received and opened on July 29, 2016. Staff has reviewed the bid documents submitted by the lowest bidder, Astra Builders, Inc., with a total base bid of $417,500.00, and found the bid to be responsive.


Licenses and references for Astra Builders, Inc. have been reviewed and verified by staff, and other documentation is in order. This improvement is included in the Community Services Capital Improvement Budget and is funded through the Park In Lieu Fee Fund and General Fund. 


There is a total of $475,000 budgeted for this project, $400,000 from the Park Fee Fund and $75,000 from the General Fund. There are sufficient funds budgeted for this project to cover the construction cost total of $417,500.00. 


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award the contract for the renovation of the Garden Grove Community Meeting Center Council Chamber to Astra Builders, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $417,500.00; and 
  • Authorize the City Manager to sign the Contract on behalf of the City, including making minor modifications as appropriate and necessary. 

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Agreement7/29/2016Backup MaterialAgreement_for_Council_Renovation_-_8-9-16.pdf