Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.f.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Maria Stipe
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Manager 

Consideration and approval to submit response to Grand Jury Report, Light Rail: Is Orange County on the Right Track? (Action Item)



The purpose of this report is for the City Council to consider and approve the attached response to the 2015-16 Grand Jury Report, Light Rail: Is Orange County on the Right Track?; and authorize submittal to the Orange County Grand Jury.



On May 9, 2016, the Orange County Grand Jury released its 2015-16 Grand Jury report, Light Rail: Is Orange County on the Right Track? (Attachment 2).  In compliance with Penal Code 933.05 (a) and (b), the City is required to provide a response to each of the findings and recommendations directed to the City Council.  Specifically, responses are required for finding F5 and recommendation R6.



The Grand Jury finding pertaining to the City of Garden Grove states that long project times associated with light rail system establishment require not only careful planning and coordination by Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), but also consistent efforts to inform the public by those Orange County cities involved in development or possible development of light rail projects.  Related to this finding, the Grand Jury recommends that the City of Garden Grove should create a link on its Website that shows its efforts to complete the OC Street Car project and then update the Website every three months. 


The attached response states that the City agrees with the Grand Jury’s finding and recommendation and expresses the City’s intention to support OCTA’s public awareness campaign for the OC Streetcar aimed at engaging and involving the public as the project progresses.  The response also states that the City will create a link on its website that shows current efforts to complete the OC Streetcar project.  




It is recommended that the City Council:


  •  Approve the attached response and authorize submittal to the Orange County Grand Jury.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Response to Grand Jury Report7/18/2016Cover MemoResponse_to_Grand_Jury_Report._Light_Rail.pdf
Grand Jury Report7/18/2016Cover MemoLightRail.GJ_Report.2016-05-09_Website_Report.pdf