Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.h.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kimberly Huy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Approval of an Amendment to the Agreement among the City of Garden Grove, the Korean American Senior Association, and Orange County Transportation Authority for the Senior Mobility Program. (Action Item)



To obtain City Council approval for an Amendment to the  Agreement among the City of Garden Grove, the Korean American Senior Association and the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) naming the City of Garden Grove as the fiscal receiving agent for the Association’s Senior Mobility Program (SMP).



In May 2011, City Council approved an Agreement among the City of Garden Grove, the Korean American Senior Association and OCTA for five twelve-month periods beginning July 2011, and ending June 2016. OCTA requires that a government agency receive the funding for the SMP, and the City agreed to receive the funds from OCTA and then transfer them to the Korean American Senior Association.  


The current Agreement between the City of Garden Grove, the Korean American Senior Association and OCTA will expire at the end of June 2016. The OCTA has approved the attached Amendment to the Agreement, and extends the term of the Agreement for an additional five twelve-month periods beginning July 2016 through June 2021.  This Amendment to the Agreement will require that the City once again agree to be the fiscal receiving agent for the Association's SMP funding.  Under this Amendment to the Agreement, the City will have no obligation to provide funding to the Korean American Senior Association if OCTA reduces or eliminates funding for the SMP.


There will be no direct fiscal impact to the City's General Fund, as the SMP funding will be provided by OCTA, and the City will only pass through funds received by OCTA to the Korean American Senior Association. The annual SMP funding allocation is expected to be approximately $102,000.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve the attached Amendment to the Agreement with the Korean American Senior Association and the Orange County Transportation Authority naming the City as the fiscal receiving agent for the Association’s Senior Mobility Program; and


  •  Authorize the City Manager to execute the Amendment to the Agreement on behalf of the City.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Amendment to the Agreement b/w City, KASA, and OCTA6/15/2016Cover MemoDraft_Amendment_to_City__KASA_and_OCTA_Agreement_2016-2021.pdf