Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.e.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Authorize the issuance of purchase orders to Global Collision Center, Big Ron's Auto Body and Paint, and Caliber Collision for the purchase of auto body parts and labor for City vehicles. (Cost: $150,000 per year) (Action Item)



To obtain City Council authorization to issue purchase orders to Global Collision Center, Big Ron’s Auto Body and Paint, and Caliber Collision for the purchase of various auto body parts and labor for City vehicles.


The Public Works Department, Vehicle Maintenance Division is responsible for maintaining the City’s fleet of vehicles and equipment. The fleet routinely requires various auto body parts and labor to complete necessary maintenance and repairs. To avoid delays in the purchase and delivery of the required products and to meet the need of our customers in a timely manner, it is essential that Public Works have the ability to purchase these goods and services from more than one vendor.



Specifications were prepared and sent to prospective bidders as required. Three bids were received and deemed responsive.  The bid results are as follows:



Total of

Various Labor



Ford Parts




Ford Parts

Police Crown



Total Cost

 Global Collision






 Big Ron's Auto 

Body & Paint





 Caliber Collision






The bid results reflect a sampling of the labor rates and Ford body parts typically used. The lowest bidder, Global Collision Center, will be designated as the primary vendor. Big Ron’s Auto Body and Paint, will be the secondary and Caliber Collision will be the third vendor utilized.


The financial impact to the Fleet Management Fund would be $150,000.  There is no impact to the General Fund.  


It is recommended that City Council:


  • Authorize the Finance Director to issue three (3) purchase orders for auto body parts and labor in a fixed amount collectively not to exceed $150,000 per year, for five (5) years, to be divided amongst Global Collision Center, Big Ron’s Auto Body, and Caliber Collision, with the renewal to be reviewed annually by the City Manager.



By:  Steve Sudduth, Equipment Maintenance Lead