Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Ursula Luna- Reynosa
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Economic Development and Housing Department 

Approval of out-of-state travel to attend the Innovating Commerce Serving Communities (ICSC) 2024 Conference from May 19, through May 21, 2024. (Cost:  $8,000) (Action Item)



For the City Council to approve out-of-state travel to attend the Innovating Commerce Serving Communities (ICSC) 2024 Las Vegas Conference from May 19, through May 21, 2024. 

Founded in 1957, ICSC is the global convention for the shopping center industry and provides networking, dealmaking and educational opportunities for retail and real estate professionals from around the world. Its more than 70,000 members in over 100 countries include shopping center owners, developers, managers, investors, retailers, brokers, academics, and public officials.


Per City Council Policy Number 100-17, the City Council approved overnight conference and training expenditures when it approved the FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25 budget (see attached) where certain conferences were approved and specific positions authorized to attend.  At the time of budget approval, the Deputy Director of Economic Development position did not exist.  Further, the ICSC conference was not identified as an approved conference for the City Manager's Office and therefore no City Manager staff was approved to attend.  The City Council is being requested to swap out Senior Project Manager with Deputy Director of Economic Development, add the ICSC conference to the approved list of conferences under the City Manager's Office, and authorize the City Manager, or designee, to attend the conference.


Per City Council Policy Number 100-19, the City Council is being requested to 1) concur that the costs incurred in attending the ICSC conference are justified based on the benefits of attending (additional detail in the below “Discussion” section of this staff report) and 2) authorize and approve out-of-state travel for three (3) City Council members.  The costs associated with the conference related to this council request are provided in the “Fiscal Impact” section of this staff report.


The upcoming ICSC 2024 Las Vegas Conference presents a valuable platform for the City to engage with prominent industry members, capitalizing on networking, deal-making, and educational prospects. With approximately 1,000 exhibiting companies spanning diverse facets of real estate development, this convention serves as a nexus for collaboration and innovation.


The City's Office of Economic Development views attendance at this convention as a strategic initiative, providing an avenue to delve into economic, marketing, and promotional dynamics influencing the retail and commercial sector. Emphasizing the promotion and marketing of Garden Grove, the team aims to forge connections with industry retail representatives and developers, prioritizing the establishment of meaningful relationships.


By participating as an exhibitor, the City is positioned to leverage the opportunity to engage with key influencers in the realms of shopping center management, hospitality, and housing development. Furthermore, active participation in the convention will facilitate face-to-face interactions with potential developers, strategically navigating the tradeshow floor to foster collaborations and showcase the City's retail commercial real estate opportunities.


In adherence to the Brown Act regulations, a maximum of three Council Members are permitted to attend the ICSC 2024 Las Vegas Conference. The conference is scheduled to take place in approximately two months and exhibitor space and accommodations sell out quickly, necessitating prompt action for staff to register and coordinate travel arrangements for all attending.


The cost for the City Council members and designee from the City Manager's Office to attend the conference is estimated at $8,000. The funds are currently budgeted in the approved operating budget and no additional appropriation is requested. 

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Concur that the costs incurred in attending the ICSC conference are justified based on the benefits of attending, approve the swap of the Senior Program Specialist for the Deputy Director of Economic Development, add the ICSC conference to the approved list of conferences for the City Manager's Office, and authorize the City Manager, or designee, to attend the conference; and


  • Approve the out-of-state travel for up to three Council Members to attend the ICSC conference.

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Approved FY 23-25 Overnight Conference and Training3/6/2024Backup MaterialOvernight_Conf_and_Training_2023-25.pdf