Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Niki Wetzel
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Development 

Authorization for the California Automated Permit Processing Program (CalAPP) grant program agreement and appropriation of funds for program implementation; and award a contract to Symbium, LLC to provide online automated solar permitting software. (Grant Amount: $80,000) (Action Item)



To approve the California Automated Permit Processing Program (CalAPP), License Agreement for Symbium, LLC, and approve the appropriation of grant funds awarded in FY 2023-24 for contractual services for software integration and program implementation activities.


In 2022, Senate Bill No. 379 mandated California cities and counties to implement an online, automated permitting platform for residential solar energy systems. Compliance with SB379 necessitates real-time code verification and permit issuance.


In 2023, the City’s Building & Safety Division submitted an application for the California Energy Commission (CEC) grant with funds authorized under the California Automated Permit Processing Program (CalAPP).  The program provides support for local agencies in California to assist with the establishment of online, automated solar permitting.  The total amount awarded to the City of Garden Grove is $80,000 with the anticipated project completion date by May 2024.


The awarded funds will focus on streamlining solar permits by allowing residents, contractors, and developers to obtain same day solar permits. This will allow the Building & Safety division to continue to provide the expected level of customer service. This program will be administered by the Community Development Department. CalAPP identified two (2) software vendors approved by the CEC to meet the program goals; however, Symbium, LLC is the sole vendor capable of providing services compatible with the City’s existing permitting system, GGReady, and will meet the City’s integration criteria and needs.  All sole sourcing requirements have been approved by the Purchasing Division and are in compliance with the Municipal Code.


There is no impact to the General Fund.  Contractual services will be funded by the California Automated Permit Processing Program (CalAPP) – Solar Grant.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Authorize participation in the California Automated Permit Processing Program (CalAPP) grant program and agreement;


  • Award a contract to Symbium, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $60,000 to provide online, automated solar permitting software; and


  • Approve appropriation of funds in the amount of $80,000 for FY 2023-24, (GL233-212-1000, JLGT1407000); and


  • Authorize the City Manager, or her designees to execute the contract, and to enter into additional amendments as needed, and make minor modifications as appropriate thereto, on behalf of the City.


By: Kenneth Le, Administrative Analyst

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Symbium Master Licensing Agreement1/30/2024AgreementSymbium_Master_Licensing_Agreement_Garden_Grove_1.8.2024_rev.docx
CalApp Agreement2/2/2024AgreementCalAPP_Agreement.pdf