Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Niki Wetzel
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Development 

Adoption of Resolutions for: Approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendment No. GPA-001-2023, Site Plan No. SP-127-2023, and Tentative Tract Map No. TT-19273 for a 30-unit residential townhome project; and the introduction and first reading of an ordinance approving Zoning Amendment No. A-036-202 



To transmit a recommendation from the Planning Commission to the City Council to approve the land use actions necessary to effectuate approval of a 30-unit residential townhome project, which includes three (3) affordable units for “moderate-income” households, and associated site improvements on an approximately 1.22-acre site located at 13252 Brookhurst Street and 10052 Central Avenue. Specifically, the City Council is requested to take the following actions: (i) to adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; (ii) to adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment No. GPA-001-2023 to change the Land Use Designation of the subject properties from Light Commercial (LC) and Low Medium Density Residential (LMR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) to facilitate the development of the residential Project; (iii) to introduce and conduct the first reading of an Ordinance approving Zoning Amendment No. A-036-2023 to change the zoning of the subject properties from C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) and R-2 (Limited Multiple Residential) to R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential) to facilitate the development of the residential Project; and (iv) to adopt a Resolution approving Site Plan No. SP-127-2023 and Tentative Tract Map No. TT-19273 to facilitate the development of the Project.


The subject site is a 1.22-acre site located at the southeast corner of Brookhurst Street and Central Avenue. The site consists of a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zoned property, which was improved with the Marie Callender’s pad building, and a vacant R-2 (Limited Multiple Residential) zoned property. Since the Marie Callender’s building was severely damaged in a fire incident in 2022, the City issued a building demolition permit in June 2023 allowing the damaged building to be removed from the site. Thus, the entire site is currently vacant.

The site is in a mixed-use neighborhood that includes commercial services such as medical offices, restaurants, and retail; and residential uses, including both single- and multifamily dwellings.

The applicant, Melia Homes, Inc., has requested approval from the City to develop the site with thirty (30) attached townhomes, including three (3) affordable for-sale units for “moderate-income” households, along with associated site improvements. Under the State Density Bonus Law (“SDBL”), the inclusion of three (3) affordable housing units entitles the project to waivers, concessions, and reduced parking ratios, which have been incorporated into the proposed design.


General Plan Amendment No. GPA-001-2023

The subject site currently consists of two (2) different General Plan Land Use Designations: Light Commercial (LC) (13252 Brookhurst Street) and Low Medium Density Residential (LMR) (10052 Central Avenue). A General Plan Amendment is necessary to change the land use designation of the entire site to Medium Density Residential (MDR) to facilitate the development of the proposed multifamily residential use, and to ensure consistency in land use designation throughout the development. The MDR allows a maximum density of 32 dwelling units per acre. The proposed density of the project is 24.6 dwelling units per acre, which is within the allowable density. With the proposed General Plan Amendment, the subject project will be consistent with the City’s General Plan.

Zoning Amendment No. A-036-2023:

The current zoning of the site, which is C-1 and R-2, does not support the proposed residential development. The C-1 zone does not allow multifamily residential developments, and the R-2 zone allows multifamily developments at a maximum of 21 units per acre, which is lower than the requested density. Provided the General Plan Amendment request is approved, the requested zone change to R-3 is necessary to implement the new Land Use Designation. The site is located within a mixed-use neighborhood characterized by large commercial plazas and multi-story residential buildings, and the proposed zoning amendment to facilitate the proposed development of thirty (30) townhomes will be consistent the development pattern of the surrounding area.

Site Plan No. SP-127-2023

Specific elements of the proposed Site Plan and development are discussed below – and in more detail in the attached December 7, 2023, Planning Commission Staff Report (Attachment 5).

  • The applicant proposes to construct a total of thirty (30) attached townhome units including twenty-two (22) two-bedroom units, and eight (8) four-bedroom units, ranging in size from 1,302 square feet to 1,928 square feet.
  • The site will be accessible from Central Avenue through two (2) driveway approaches, which will be connected to a new U-shaped drive aisle. The drive aisle will circulate through the site to provide vehicular access to the garage of each unit. Pedestrian access to the site will be via the sidewalk fronting Central Avenue.
  • The project will also provide community walkways throughout the development that will lead to each unit’s front entry, as well as common recreational areas, and open guest parking spaces.
  • Each unit will be provided with a two-car garage (standard or tandem), two (2) private recreation areas within the unit consisting of an open patio in front of each unit and a balcony on the second floor. 
  • The project provides a total of sixty-four (64) parking spaces, including 60 spaces inside the enclosed garages, and four (4) open guest parking stalls along the southerly property line.
  • In addition to private recreation space, the project will provide an approximately 3,290 square foot common recreation open area equipped with different types of amenities serving residents of the development, including a barbeque (BBQ) area equipped with large wood shade structures and tables, seating, outdoor furniture, community gardens, and a community dog bag station.
  • Approximately 9,500 square feet of landscaping will be provided throughout the site, including setback areas, along the drive aisle, and walkways, using a variety of plant materials. All of the landscaped areas will be fitted with automatic irrigation systems that comply with the City’s Water Efficiency Guidelines.
  • The proposed development will be three (3) stories in height and will incorporate modern contemporary architectural features including stucco exteriors, stone veneer, wooden sidings, decorative metal guardrail, and a combination of shed and gable roof. The building elevations portray a white, and grey color scheme, which will be complementary and architecturally compatible with the immediate neighborhood.


Tentative Tract Map No. TT-19273

In accordance with the State Subdivision Map Act, the applicant is requesting approval of Tentative Tract Map No. TT-19273 to consolidate the parcels into a single property with thirty (30) condominium units. Homeowners will be responsible for their unit, while the Homeowner Associate (HOA) will be responsible for maintaining communal areas within the property including, but not limited to, the shared driveway, recreational areas, landscaping, and the overall aesthetic of the site. The proposed Tentative Tract Map is in conformance with the zoning requirements for the site, as well as the City’s Subdivision Ordinance and the State Subdivision Map Act.


Environmental Review:


In conjunction with the proposed Project, the City (through an environmental consultant) has prepared an Initial Study report and Mitigated Negative Declaration (“IS/MND”) in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) analyzing the potential environmental impacts of the proposed residential townhome project. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines, the City made the IS/MND available for public review and comment prior to the meeting. The IS/MND concludes that the proposed Project will have no, or a less than significant, impact on all relevant environmental factors, provided specified mitigation measures are incorporated, as per the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (“MMRP”).  The mitigation measures are included within the MMRP. The applicant will be required to coordinate with an environmental consultant to implement the mitigation measures in the MMRP, as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and shall provide updates about the implementation process to the Community Development Department until completion of the project.  The Planning Commission has adopted a Resolution recommending that the Garden Grove City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and an associated MMRP for the Project. A link to the digital copies of the IS/MND, including the technical appendices and MMRP, are available on the City’s website (


Remaining RHNA and Housing Element Sites Inventory:

The project site consists of two adjoining (2) properties, consisting of four (4) parcels. Among the four parcels, two (2) are identified in the Housing Element sites inventory as having a combined realistic capacity to accommodate four (4) “above-moderate-income” units. Since the proposed project will be providing three (3) “moderate-income” units and twenty-seven (27) “above-moderate-income” units, the project exceeds the anticipated realistic capacity of the site set forth in the Housing Element by 3 “moderate-income” units and 23 “above-moderate-income” units. Thus, No Net Loss Findings are not required for this project.

Housing Crisis Act Replacement Housing Compliance:

Pursuant to Government Code § 66300 et. seq., the City may not approve a development project that will displace any existing “protected units” that are or were occupied by lower or very low-income households within the past five (5) years. Since no residential units have been demolished on this site within the last five (5) years to accommodate the proposed project, the applicant is not required to provide any replacement “protected units.” 


There is no financial impact.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Conduct a Public Hearing; and


  • Adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and an associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; and


  • Adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment No. GPA-001-2023; and


  • Introduce and conduct the first reading of an Ordinance approving Zoning Amendment No. A-036-2023; and


  • Adopt a Resolution approving Site Plan No. SP-127-2023 and Tentative Tract Map No. TT-19273, subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Attachment 1: Draft City Council Resolution for the adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and an associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project1/29/2024ResolutionAttachment_1_Reso_(NMD_AND_MMRP).docx
Attachment 2: Draft City Council Resolution (GPA-001-2023)1/29/2024ResolutionAttachment_2_Reso_(GPA-001-2023).docx
Attachment 3: Draft City Council Ordinance (A-036-2023)1/29/2024OrdinanceAttachment_3_Ord_(A-036-2023).docx
Attachment 4: Draft City Council Resolution (SP-127-2023 and TT-19273)1/29/2024ResolutionAttachment_4_Reso_(SP_AND_TTP).docx
Attachment 5 Planning Commission Staff Report dated December 7, 2023 along with associated Resolutions1/29/2024Backup MaterialAttachment_5_Planning_Commission_Staff_report_and_Reso_-_compresseed.pdf
Attachment 6: Plans1/29/2024Backup MaterialBROOKHURST_GG_ARCH-COMBINED_COMPRESSED.pdf