Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 6.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Ursula Luna-Reynosa
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Economic Development and Housing Department 
Discussion on a proposed temporary regional K9 support training facility at Pioneer Park as requested by the City Council.  (Action Item)


For the City Council to provide direction to staff on the feasibility of establishing a police K9 training facility at Pioneer Park.


At the January 9, 2024, City Council meeting, the City Council voted unanimously to place for discussion at a subsequent City Council meeting to explore the feasibility of establishing a police K9 training facility at Pioneer Park.


There is currently not a police K9 training facility in Orange County.  All canines, apprehension as well as support dogs, and their handlers must travel outside the County for training requirements.  The Support Canine Program is a collaboration between the Garden Grove Police Department and the Garden Grove School District.  As the City and School District already have a Joint Use Agreement for Pioneer Park it has been identified as a potential location for a pilot K9 training facility.


A K9 training facility would consist of certain, portable equipment that would be stored in storage containers when not in use.  See Attachment “K9 Training Equipment” for examples of such equipment.  The area utilized for training would need to be fenced in.  Feasibility analysis will include preparing a site plan and understanding site improvements (location of storage containers, fencing, utility connections, etc.), determining total project costs, and identifying sources of funds (including potential donors and partnerships).


If directed by the City Council, staff will return at a future City Council meeting to share the analysis being requested and seek additional direction.    


There is no fiscal impact to explore the feasibility of establishing a police K9 training facility at Pioneer Park.  Estimates on cost of facility establishment will be performed during the feasibility study.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Direct staff to explore the feasibility of establishing a police K9 training facility at Pioneer Park; and

  • Return at a future City Council meeting to share the information and seek additional direction.

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Attachment - Equipment1/19/2024Backup MaterialAttachment_-_K9_Training_Equipment.pdf