Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Teresa Pomeroy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: City Clerk 
Subject:First Reading of an Ordinance to update the Garden Grove Housing Authority composition and tenant commissioners appointmentsDate:1/23/2024


For the City Council to introduce for first reading an Ordinance to update Chapter 2.56.030 of the Municipal Code as it pertains to the number of Commissioners and the appointments of tenant commissioners to the Housing Authority.

Chapter 2.56.030. of the Garden Grove Municipal Code reflects that there are seven commissioners in total with two of the commissioners to be Housing Authority tenants.  With the City Council districts and citywide elected Mayor, there is a need to update the Municipal Code to accurately reflect the total number of nine Housing Authority Commissioners, and to set the appointments of tenant commissioners on the same terms as the appointment of the City's other boards and commissions.

This update to the Municipal Code will accurately reflect the number of commissioners that includes the seven elected officials and two Housing Authority tenants for a total number of nine commissioners.  This update also changes the biennial date of appointments of the tenant commissioners to the Housing Authority to be the same as that of the other commissions, which occur the first meeting of the City Council after each municipal election.  

There is no financial impact by this action.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Introduce for first reading an Ordinance amending Section 2.56.030 of the Municipal Code pertaining to the composition of the Garden Grove Housing Authority and the appointment of tenant commissioners.

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Ordinance Regarding Housing Authority Commissioners1/18/2024OrdinanceGG_Ordinance_Amending_Housing_Authority_Composition_and_Appointment.pdf