Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Consideration of Final Parcel Map No. PM 2021-112 for the property located at 9801 and 9811 Beverly Lane, Garden Grove.  (Action Item)



To receive City Council approval for a Final Parcel Map No. PM-2021-112 for the property located at 9801 and 9811 Beverly Lane, Garden Grove (northeast corner of Eneo Place and Beverly Lane).


On May 19, 2022, pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 6042-22, the Applicant received approval of Site Plan No. SP-112-2022 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PM-2021-112.  A copy of Planning Resolution No. 6042-22 is attached. 


The proposed Final Parcel Map PM-2021-112 will reconfigure two (2) existing adjacent parcels to create two (2) new lots for the purpose of constructing a new two-story single-family home on each lot.


The conditions of approval, as well as California state law under the Surveyor’s Act, require the applicant to be responsible for protecting all existing and newly established horizontal and vertical survey controls, monuments, ties (centerline and corner) and benchmarks located within the limits of the project and all new monuments must be set within 365 days of recording the final map as shown on the Surveyor’s Statement of the final map.  To guarantee the protection and re-establishment of all the monuments of the subject development, the developer has opted to provide a deposit in the form of cashier’s checks.


Staff has reviewed all of the subdivision documentation mandated by City Ordinances, conditions of approval, and the Subdivision Map Act and finds this map to be in compliance.  The owner has complied with all conditions of the tentative parcel map.


There is no financial impact to approve Final Parcel Map No. PM-2021-112 for the property located at 9801 and 9811 Beverly Lane, Garden Grove.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve Final Parcel Map No. PM 2021-112.


By: Kamyar Dibaj, MS, Project Engineer

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
PLANNING SP112-20221/5/2024Backup MaterialSP-112-2022_SR_FINAL_(No_Net_Loss_Section_Added)_FINAL_5.10.22.pdf
PARCEL MAP1/5/2024Backup MaterialPM_2021-112.pdf
PM PG21/5/2024Backup MaterialP2-3_PM2021-112.pdf
PM PG31/5/2024Backup MaterialP3-3_PM2021-112.pdf