Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Teresa Pomeroy

Dept.: Secretary 

Adoption of a Resolution to amend the Housing Authority Bylaws to accurately reflect the number of Commissioners and appointment of Tenant Commissioners.  (Action Item)



For the Housing Authority to adopt a Resolution adopting revised Housing Authority Bylaws to accurately reflect the number of elected officials who are serving as commissioners and the appointment of tenant commissioners to confirm with the regular appointment to City commissions.

With City Districts in place, there is a need to amend the Housing Authority Bylaws to accurately reflect the  number of elected officials who serve as Housing Authority Commissioners. The appointment of tenant commissioners are also being updated to conform with the provisions of the Municipal Code regarding the appointment by the City Council to City Boards and Commissions.


The attached Resolution adopts amended Bylaws for the Housing Authority to reflect that the number of seated Commissioners includes all elected officials, and two Section 8 tenants for a total of nine Commissioners.  Currently, the Bylaws provide that there are five elected Council members and two Tenant Commissioners.  


The amended Bylaws increase the total number of Commissioners to nine and describes the term and appointment of the Tenant Commissioners to be the same as for the other City's Boards and Commissions.  The Municipal Code stipulates that City commissioners are appointment by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council for a term of two years at the first meeting after the City Council municipal elections.


There is no financial impact by this action.

It is recommended that the Housing Authority:


  • Adopt the Resolution adopting the revised Bylaws to accurately reflect the number of Commissioners and appointment of the Tenant Commissioners.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Exhibit 1 - Revised Housing Authority Bylaws1/18/2024Exhibit1-2024_revised_draft_Bylaws_-_Housing_Authority_rev.pdf