Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.f.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kim Huy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Approval to transfer City Support Cost Reimbursements from Deposit Trust account to the General Fund. (Transfer amount: $183,000) (Action Item)



To request City Council authorization to transfer funds from the Deposit Trust Fund to the General Fund; all funds were for fees collected from past community festivals.


Over the years, the City has allowed non-profit organizations through formal agreements the use of City parks to conduct community festivals. As part of these agreements, the organizations have reimbursed the City for costs incurred by the City in support of the festivals. These reimbursements are deposited to the City’s Deposit Trust account and transferred to the City’s General Fund account following a final reconciliation and settlement. Staff has identified a total of $183,000 in the Deposit Trust account that should be transferred from this account to the General Fund.


Staff would like to request City Council approval to transfer said funds from the Deposit Trust account to the General Fund for City facilities needs. The total amount of $183,000 will be allocated to a General Fund package and used for the renovation of the Council Chamber, replacement of light poles at City parks, and other facility improvements.


$183,000 available in the Deposit Trust Fund will be transferred to a General Fund package and appropriated in FY 2015-16 budget for the renovation of the Council Chamber, replacement of light poles at City parks, and other facilities improvements.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve the transfer of $183,000 from the City’s Deposit Trust account to the General Fund and appropriate same amount in the FY 2015-16 General Fund budget to be used for City Facility needs.


By:  Janet Pelayo, Manager