Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 7.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Craig Beck
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Economic Development 

Update on the Civic Center Revitalization Project as requested by City Manager Kim.



To provide an update to the City Council on the Civic Center Revitalization Project regarding the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to initiate the procurement process.


Through issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), the City is seeking Statements of Qualification from development teams that have specific and demonstrable experience in delivering Design-Build-Finance (DBF) projects similar to the City’s Civic Center Revitalization Project (the “Project”) on the existing City Civic Center campus.


Through the evaluation process using a "best value" approach, the City intends to select a single development team to enter an exclusive negotiation with the City for a period of six (6) months. This exclusive negotiation is intended to culminate in a single development contract (Development Agreement) under which the development team will design, build, and finance the Project at an agreed not to exceed cost.


By utilizing a DBF under a progressive design-build-agreement project delivery approach, the City expects to secure substantial public benefits. These benefits include risk management, cost savings, expedited project design and construction scheduling, and capitalizing on developer knowledge about lifecycle cost management to deliver predictable long-term operation and maintenance costs.


Following the RFQ evaluation process, it is anticipated that a recommendation to enter into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with a preferred development team will be brought forward by City Staff and submitted to the City Council for its consideration in September 2023.  


City Staff, with the PFAL and Placeworks teams, are continuing to work together to advance the Civic Center Revitalization Project.  At recent and upcoming City events (e.g., Concerts in the Park, Movies in the Park, Garden Grove Police Department National Night Out), the City is having informational booths available to engage with the community, garner feedback, and create awareness of the project.  The project website ( and the City’s various social media platforms are continuing to be maintained with regular updates, educational information, flyers, and news on the project to allow the community to stay connected and informed.


There is no financial impact as this report is for informational purposes and no action is required.


This report is for informational purposes and no action is required by the City Council.