Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 6.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Amir El-Farra
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police Chief 
Subject:Award a contract to All City Management Services, Inc., for RFP No. S-1312 - Crossing Guard Services.  (Cost: $302,076) (Action Item)Date:7/25/2023


To obtain City Council approval to award a contract to All City Management Services, Inc. (ACMS) to provide crossing guard services in the City of Garden Grove.


RFP No. S-1312 was posted on the City’s website on May 22, 2023 via the Planet Bids online bidding system. Three proposals were received and The Source Selection Committee (SSC) review was completed on July 12, 2023. The final scores are as follows:


All City Management Services, Inc.


Everything Parking Inc., dba Cross Safe


Citiguard, Inc.



The term of the agreement with ACMS will be for a period of one (1) year, with an option to extend for an additional four (4) years, for a total of five (5) years. Option years will be exercised one (1) fiscal year year at a time, at the sole option of the City. At least 60 days prior to each renewal option year, ACMS will provide the City with the proposed hourly rate for the coming option year.


Total consideration for the agreement will not exceed the amount of $302,076 for the first fiscal year. Funding for this agreement is included in the adopted Police Department’s operating budget for FY 2023-24 (Fund 224).  There is no impact to the General Fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award a contract to All City Management Services, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $302,076, for crossing guard services through June 30, 2024, with an option to extend for an additional four (4) years; and
  •  Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement, and make minor modifications as appropriate thereto on behalf of the City; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute future amendments to the contract, including exercising options years, contingent upon funding availability.


By:  Courtney Cibosky, Police Fiscal Analyst

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Professional Services Agreement - All City Mgmt7/18/2023AgreementPROFESSIONAL_SERVICES_AGREEMENT-_ALL_CITY_MGMT_SERVICES_INC.pdf
Attach B- All City Mgmt Svcs7/18/2023Backup MaterialAttachment_B-_All_City_Management_Services_Inc.pdf
Attach B-All City Mgmt Svcs 27/18/2023Backup MaterialAttachment_B-_All_City_Management_Services_2.pdf
Attach C- Crossing Guard Assignments and Locations7/18/2023Backup MaterialAttachment_C-Cross_Guard_Assignments_and_Locations.pdf