Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 7.e.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Craig Beck
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 
Subject:Award contract to WGJ Enterprises, Inc. dba PCI , for the construction of the Bicycle Corridor Improvement Project (BCIP), includes improved bicycle signing and striping upgrades Citywide. (Cost:$1,272,469.55) (Action Item)Date:6/27/2023


For the City Council to award a contract to WGJ Enterprises, Inc. dba PCI for the construction of the Bicycle Corridor Improvement Project (BCIP) located Citywide, City Project No. 2312.


The BCIP is a $20 million grant program for projects that make bicycling and walking easier and safer in Orange County.  Funding for the program comes from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, a federal program that provides funding for transportation projects that help meet Federal Clean Air Act requirements and for implementation of goals from the Garden Grove Active Streets Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.


In 2018, the Community and Economic Development Department was awarded $1.018 million in Caltrans grant funds to provide resources to improve on-street bicycle infrastructure by 75%.  The project scope incorporates approximately 15 miles of new and improved bicycle signing and striping upgrades located at Brookhurst Avenue (From Trask Avenue to Katella Avenue), West Street (From Garden Grove Boulevard to Orangewood Avenue), Chapman Avenue (From Valley View Street To Beach Boulevard), Gilbert Street (From Deodora Drive to Katella Avenue), and Lampson Avenue (From Dale Street to Haster Street). See Attachment No. 3 BCIP Bike Lane Project Street Map.


·         Phase 1:Environmental study completed in 2019

·         Phase 2: Design and Engineering completed in 2020

·         Phase 3: Right-of-Way (ROW) certification completed in 2021

·    Phase 4: Construction is anticipated to be completed in   September 2023


Staff solicited bids for this project pursuant to Municipal Code Section 2.52.010.  The Invitation to Bids for construction of the BCIP project was posted on the City PlanetBid Portal. 


Two (2) qualified bid proposals were received at the City Clerk’s Office by 11:00 a.m. on March 9, 2023.  The bid amount from PCI, was the lowest responsible bidder at $1,272,469.55.  The licenses and references of the contractor have been reviewed and verified by staff, and all other documentation is in order.


The bid results are as follows:


BIDDERS                                           AMOUNT OF BID


PCI                                                     $1,272,469.55

Superior Pavement Markings               $1,389,057.00



The anticipated contract schedule is as follows:


MILESTONE                                               DATE


Award of Contract                              June 27, 2023

Begin Construction (estimated)          July 17, 2023

Complete Construction (estimated)    September 15, 2023



These improvements were included in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Capital Improvement Plan budget and are funded by General Fund, Caltrans BCIP Cycle 2 grant, and AQMD funds.  Funds are available in the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Economic Development’s operational budget.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  •  Award a contract to WGJ Enterprises, Inc. dba PCI, in the amount of $1,272,469.55 for the Bicycle Corridor Improvement Project (BCIP); and


  •  Authorize the City Manager, or her designees, to execute the Agreement, and make minor modifications as appropriate thereto, on behalf of the City.



By: Alana Cheng, Project Manager

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Attachment 1: Bid Summary6/20/2023Backup MaterialAttachment_1._BID_SUMMARY._6.27.23.doc
Attachment 2: PCI Construction Agreement & Exhibits6/22/2023AgreementAttachment_2._PCI_Construction_Agreement_w._Fed_Exhibits._6.27.23.pdf
Attachment 3: Project Street Map6/20/2023ExhibitAttachment_3._BCIP_Bike_Lane_Project_Street_Map._incl_CIP_street_project_coordination._6.27.23.pdf