Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.g.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Craig Beck
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 
Subject:Approval of an Amendment to the agreement with AME Builders, Inc. dba AME Roofing, for the Silicone Roofing Project, 11277 Garden Grove No. 02-2023. (Cost: $33,305) (Action Item)Date:6/27/2023


For City Council to approve Amendment No. 1  for additional funds to the contract with AME Builders, Inc. dba AME Roofing, for the construction of the Silicone Roofing Project, 11277 Garden Grove No. 02-2023 (Project).

On April 11, 2023, the City approved the award of a contract to AME Builders, Inc. dba AME Roofing, in the amount of $131,736 for the construction of the Silicone Roofing Project, 11277 Garden Grove No. 02-2023 between the AME and the City. The City acquired the commercial building to become a part of the Civic Center strategic plan and for the operations of various City services.

After further inspection with the City’s Public Works Facilities staff and taking into consideration the age and maintenance of the roof structure, additional work is required to complete the project. The additional improvement cost is $33,305 and the improvements will add 15 additional working days to complete the contract work.

The revised construction cost totals $165,041.  Costs will be paid from the Economic Development operational budget, GL-1112111280-51321, JL-CP1326276-51321.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve Amendment No. 1 to increase the funds in the amount of $33,305, and to add 15 additional working days to the contract with AME Builders, Inc. dba AME Roofing, for the Silicone Roofing Project, 11277 Garden Grove No. 02-2023;
  • Authorize the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the contract, and make minor modifications, on behalf of the City, as appropriate thereto; and

  • Authorize a 10 percent contingency for unforeseen increases or change orders for the term of the contracts available at the sole discretion of the City Manager.


By:  Paul Guerrero, Real Property Agent

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Proposal for Additional Work6/19/2023Backup MaterialAME_Builders__Inc._dba_AME_Roofing_-_Proposal_for_Additional_Work.pdf
Agreement - Amendment No. 16/20/2023AgreementAmendment_No_1_AME_Builders_Inc.pdf