Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Patricia Song
Dept.:General Manager 

Dept.: Finance 
Subject:Adoption of a Resolution to collect refuse collection and disposal service charges on tax roll for properties located in Improvement District No. 1.  (Action Item)Date:6/13/2023


For the Garden Grove Sanitary District Board of Directors to conduct a public hearing on the report identifying charges to be collected on the tax roll for refuse collection and disposal services in the District’s Improvement District No. 1; adopt the attached Resolution approving the report detailing the refuse collection and disposal fees for Improvement District No. 1 to be collected on the tax roll; and direct staff to file the necessary documentation with the County for collection of the fees.  This action requires five (5) affirmative votes.


As part of Orange County Reorganization No. 141, the Garden Grove Sanitary District became a subsidiary district of the City of Garden Grove on May 30, 1997. The Terms and Conditions of the Reorganization established Improvement District No. 1, which consists of those areas that were formerly in Midway City Sanitary District.  The refuse collection and disposal service charges have historically been collected through the County's tax roll as a special assessment to the property owners in Improvement District No. 1.


To continue to place refuse collection and disposal service charges on the tax roll for the convenience of the residents in Improvement District No. 1, each year the Board must hold a public hearing to adopt the charges to be collected on the tax roll.  A notice announcing this hearing date was translated into Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese and published in local newspapers.


A written report by parcel has been prepared and filed with the Secretary containing a description of each parcel receiving refuse collection and disposal services in Improvement District No. 1, and the corresponding charges.  The report is on file and available for review in the City Clerk's Office, and will be available at the June 13, 2023 Sanitary District Board meeting.


The service charge for standard residential service, which includes one recycling barrel, one green/organic waste barrel, and one general trash barrel in District No. 1, will be $27.29 per month, effective on July 1, 2023.

The fees collected will be remitted to Republic Services, less any franchise fees due to the City and any County imposed administrative charges for the collection on the tax roll.


It is recommended that the Garden Grove Sanitary District Board of Directors:


  • Conduct a public hearing on the report listing charges to be collected on the tax roll for refuse collection and disposal services in the District’s Improvement District No. 1;


  • Adopt the attached Resolution approving the report and authorizing the collection on the tax roll for disposal and refuse collection fees in District No. 1 (by five (5) affirmative votes); and


  • Direct staff to file the necessary documentation with the County for the collection of the fees on the property tax bills.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Attachment 1 - Resolution6/6/2023Resolution6-13-23_cc_Reso-ID_1_Refuse_Charge-2023_(3).pdf
Attachment 2 - Report on Refuse Service Charge per Parcel6/2/2023ExhibitID1_Report_2023.pdf