Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.f.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Amir El-Farra
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police Chief 

Appropriation of Asset Forfeiture funds to purchase Police Department equipment.  (Amount:  $65,000) (Action Item)



To obtain City Council approval to appropriate $65,000 in Asset Forfeiture funds to purchase equipment for the Police Department. The Strawberry Festival Association will reimburse the Department for the majority of the purchase costs, reducing the overall burden on the Asset Forfeiture fund.

Every year, the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival Association (“the Festival”) donates proceeds from the previous year’s festival to nonprofit groups for equipment and capital improvement projects. 

This year the board has approved and will donate $46,500 to the Garden Grove Police Department to replace SWAT team equipment that has expired or become outdated. Specifically, SWAT tactical ballistic helmets and fully-integrated headset communications devices. 

Asset Forfeiture funds will be used for the initial purchases totaling approximately $65,000. The Festival will reimburse the City in the amount of $46,500 upon showing proof of purchase documentation, offsetting a large portion of the expenses. There will be no burden to the General Fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Appropriate Asset Forfeiture funds in the amount of $65,000 and allocate those funds to the Police Department 2022-23 budget.


By:  Lieutenant Richard Burillo

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