Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Craig Beck
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Award a contract to Michael Baker International for the preparation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance documents for the Civic Center Project.  (Cost: $331,051) (Action Item)



For the City Council to award a contract to Michael Baker International for the preparation California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance documents for the Civic Center Project, which consists of a new Public Safety Building, a re-visioning of Civic Center Park, and a new parking structure.


In July 2019, the City Council authorized a comprehensive space and needs assessment of the police facilities by Dewberry to address current and future needs of the Garden Grove Police Department (GGPD). Findings of the report identified deficiencies in the existing GGPD facilities and insufficient spacing available for building, parking, and site needs to accommodate current and future demands of the public safety operations. It further concluded the current Police Facilities campus are all undersized and poorly configured. The final Dewberry Report was presented to the

Council at the January 28, 2020 meeting.


In February 2022, an extensive Request for Proposal process was undertaken to assemble a P3 (Public Private Partnership) financial advisory team to analyze a P3 structure for a new Public Safety Building. The Scope of Work provided for a multi-phase procurement strategy to evaluate the potential cost implications of a new Public Safety Building based on a range of site and program alternatives that incorporated affordable housing and a revisioning of Civic Center Park, and to evaluate project delivery options.


Due to the complexity of a P3 structure, the City Council authorized Phase 1 work only in July 2022, which focused on an initial project financial and feasibility analysis associated with development of a conceptual site massing layout for the future Public Safety Building. The consultant team led by Project Finance Advisory, Limited (PFAL) was selected to perform this analysis. Concurrently with the project analysis work, Placeworks was retained to facilitate outreach via the Civic Center Community Engagement. Specifically these tasks focused on assessment and utilization of the Civic Center area amenities. Additional information is available on the City’s website at


As part of the Phase 1 Scope of Work, the PFAL team completed the following tasks:


  • Developed overarching goals and objectives for a new Public Safety Building project
  • Validated program needs identified in the 2020 Dewberry Report
  • Developed site objectives and evaluation criteria including designation of a site to be considered for the new Public Safety Building and conceptual site massing alternatives
  • Performed outreach to stakeholders
  • Conducted a preliminary feasibility analysis and identification of potential project delivery options


The purpose of the initial feasibility analysis was to develop a preliminary cost estimate for the future Public Safety Building and determine optional delivery methods for the project. Throughout the process, PFAL completed a review of previously completed studies and plans, conducted meetings with staff and stakeholders to assess and validate goals and objectives for the public safety facilities, Civic Center Park and affordable housing options. There has been continued input from project stakeholders from the City Manager's Office, Finance, Community Services, Police, Community Development and Public Works Departments.


Validation processes of the 2020 Dewberry Report were undertaken to determine an appropriate building size, utilization of space and efficiencies, and optimal location of the new Public Safety Building. Through this process, it was determined that the new Public Safety Building would likely be a multi-story building totaling approximately 87,000 square feet, achieve sustainability goals, and meet GGPD infrastructure needs and potential growth to 2039.  With the combined analysis of validation and site considerations, the team further concluded that the existing Civic Center Park area combined with the adjacent parking lot would be sufficient to accommodate a new Public Safety Building totaling 87,000 square feet, along with a multi-level parking structure to contain approximately 448 spaces, which will accommodate secured police fleet vehicle parking, staff personal vehicles, and some public parking.


The feasibility analysis prepared by the PFAL team estimated a preliminary project budget to be approximately $108 million for construction of the new building, revisioning of Civic Center Park, and a multi-level-floor parking structure. This estimate is intended to provide the City with an opinion of likely cost at a feasibility level, reflective of local market rates and conditions in Orange County. Adjustments to program cost estimates are expected and will be further refined through subsequent stages of the P3 process.


Based on the feasibility analysis conducted by PFAL, it was recommended that the City Council advance the Design-Build-Finance (DBF) option for the following reasons:


  • A future site location has been identified.
  • Preliminary Public Safety Building program has been validated.
  • Retain asset operations and maintenance responsibility unless otherwise determined in the next phase of work.
  • Streamlined project schedule.
  • Ability to optimize risk transfer to Developer.
  • Guaranteed price and performance per negotiated contract.


In January 2023, the City Council directed staff to continue advancing the Civic Center Project and authorized:


  • An Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with PFAL to proceed with Phase 2 and Phase 3 to develop a Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P) to determine selection of a Preferred Developer and support the City through a progressive process to finalize a design, build, finance agreement with the selected developer;
  • An Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Placeworks to expand and and develop a plan for community and stakeholder engagement; and
  • Initiate work for an environmental analysis of the Civic Center Project by retaining an environmental consultant to assist the City with preparation of CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) compliance documents, which will be conducted in parallel with the development of the RFQ/P.

In February 2023, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was released requesting services of an environmental consultant for the preparation of CEQA compliance documents for the Civic Center Project. Four (4) firms submitted proposals in response to the RFP: De Novo Planning Group from Tustin, Environmental Science Associates (ESA) from Irvine, LSA Associates, Inc. from Irvine, and Michael Baker International from Santa Ana.


The selection process comprised of an evaluation team who carefully analyzed all proposals. The evaluation team recommends contracting with Michael Baker International to assist with all requested tasks.  The consultant is qualified by virtue of experience and expertise to accomplish the services requested and has a clear understanding of the City’s objectives.  Qualifications of Michael Baker International (“Michael Baker”) include:


  • Prepared a detailed and comprehensive budget and cost breakdown for all requested tasks and services.
  • Have committed to preparation and completion of the environmental clearance CEQA document for the Civic Center Project through a feasible schedule of milestones along a proposed project timeline that directly aligns with the City’s goals for overall project timing and to facilitate and advance other tasks of Phase 2/3 for the project.
  • Demonstrated extensive prior experience in providing environmental consulting services for other similar civic projects, including police station and fire station public safety facilities, parking structures, as well as park/community use facilities projects.
  • The Michael Baker team provides a good mix of familiarity with the City, and expertise in project management and environmental assessment.

Funds have been budgeted in the Biennial budget for the FY 2021-2022 and FY 2022-2023 for the Civic Center Project.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award a contract to Michael Baker International for the preparation of CEQA compliance documents for the Civic Center Project, in a not to exceed amount of $331,051.00, for Fiscal Year 2022-23; 


  • Appropriate $331,051.00 from the Civic Center Project funds budget to Michael Baker International per agreement (GL:111-211-1280; JL: NC1326274);


  • Authorize the City Manager, or authorized designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the City and to make minor modifications as appropriate; and


  • Authorize the City Manager or authorized designee to sign amendments as appropraite, including the authorization to increase the compensation to a higher amount, provided sufficient funds are available.


By:  Chris Chung, Senior Planner

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Michael Baker CEQA Proposal3/18/2023ExhibitMichael_Baker_CEQA_Proposal.pdf
Draft Professional Services Agreement3/18/2023AgreementDraft_Professional_Services_Agreement.docx