Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 6.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Lisa L. Kim

From:Amir El-Farra
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police Chief 

Approval of a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans for implementation of a Fencing Pilot Program.  (Action Item)



Approval of a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans to implement a Fencing Pilot Program.


Due to the growing in-flow of homeless individuals seeking shelter along and in the underpass of the Garden Grove (22) Freeway and the high rate of encampment individuals’ returns to these locations after monthly clean-up efforts, proactive discussions between Caltrans, the Garden Grove Police Department (GGPD) Special Resource Team (SRT) and city staff have been conducted to explore alternative homeless initiatives and  address encampment sites within Caltrans right-of-way.


Replicating a recent pilot program implemented in the City of Placentia, Caltrans would provide funding up to $600,000 (on a reimbursement basis) for installation of deterrent fencing and related landscaping improvements at certain encampment sites along and within the underpass of Garden Grove (22) Freeway.


Proposed is a Cooperative Agreement between Caltrans and the City in which funding of up to $600,000 would be made available to the City to implement a Fencing Pilot Program.  The scope of work envisioned the following activities:


  1.  Caltrans would assist in the preparation of Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) with the City.
  2. The City would serve as implementation agency to issue the Notice Inviting Bids and administer the construction contract.
  3.  The two (2) locations have been identified in which the deterrent fencing would be installed at on the north side of Newhope Street, along the Garden Grove (22) Freeway and along the Pearce Pedestrian Bridge. This scope is estimated to cost $400,000.00.
  4.  In anticipation of a successful Encampment Resolution Grant application, staff has incorporated additional scope of work that adds installation of decorative paving and gravel on unpaved slopes and narrow areas of other encampment site(s). This scope is estimated to cost up to $200,000.00.
  5.  The terms of the Cooperative Agreement provides for the City to advance the project costs, and the actual costs would be reimbursed per the Cooperative Agreement.


Once approved, the Cooperative Agreement provides for up to $600,000 on reimbursement basis for implementation of the Fencing Pilot Program outlined in the Agreement.  An additional $600,000 is needed and will be funded from the General Fund to carry out the commitment outlined in the Agreement.  Therefore, new appropriation of $600,000 is being requested to be added to the FY2022-23 amended budget for the Community and Economic Development Department to allow the execution of the Agreement.


For future fencing maintenance, a separate Delegated Maintenance Agreement (DMA) with Caltrans will be brought back to City Council for consideration at a future meeting in spring 2023. The DMA would provide an annual reimbursement for maintenance related costs by Caltrans.


There is no fiscal impact on the General Fund. The permit and construction costs are responsible by Caltrans under a reimbursement basis pursuant to an approved Cooperative Agreement.


It is recommended that the City Council: 


  • Approve a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans to implement a Fencing Pilot Program; 
  • Authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute the Cooperative Agreement, and to exercise option terms and amendments on behalf of the City; and
  • Approve an additional appropriation in the amount of $600,000 to the amended FY2022-23 budget for the Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans.



By:    Christy Le, Homeless Liaison Analyst

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Attachment No. 1 - Cooperative Agreement3/9/2023AgreementAttachment_No._1_-_Cooperative_Agreement.pdf