Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Adoption of a Resolution to authorize participation in the Encampment Resolution Funding Grant Program. (Action Item)



To request approval of a Resolution to authorize participation in the Encampment Resolution Grant Funding program.


A Notification of Funding Availability was issued on December 1, 2022 for the Encampment Resolution Funding Grant Program (ERF-2-R) through the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (CalICH). The CalICH has made available up to $237,301,738 to local agencies in California and the members of the Continuum of Care (CoC) to resolve the experience of unsheltered homelessness for at-risk individuals residing in encampments. This program prioritizes activities that address the safety and wellness of individuals experiencing homelessness within encampments, resolve critical encampment concerns, and transition individuals into interim shelter with clear pathways to permanent housing or directly into permanent housing, using data-informed, non-punitive, low-barrier, person-centered, Housing First, and coordinated approaches.


In coordination with the Garden Grove Police Department (GGPD) Special Resource Team, Caltrans and the County of Orange, a joint effort has been established to request and utilize the grant funding to deploy a fencing pilot program and provide homeless resources to individuals experiencing homelessness in these identified encampments areas within the City. The areas are as follows:


  1. Site A- Beach and 22 Freeway
  2. Site B- Euclid and 22 Freeway
  3. Site C- Newhope and 22 Freeway
  4. Site D- Haster and 22 Freeway


Summarized below is a preliminary budget of approximately $3.4 million. The proposed Garden Grove Encampment Resolution Program would allocate resources for the Navigation Center operations, additional street outreach support in coordination with the Special Resource Team, County of Orange, and Moving Forward Psychological Institute, augment costs for continuation of the Be Well OC Mobile Response Team, expand the Workforce Activation and Readiness Program, utilize 2-1-1 OC Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) for data collection, and implement the Caltrans Collaborative Fencing Pilot Project. If awarded, the grant program would be administered by the Community and Economic Development Department.



There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund.


The Encampment Resolution Funding Grant (ERF-2-R) Program does not require a match from the City.  The budget summary is as follows:


Encampment Resolution Grant Program Activities

FY 23-24

FY 24-25

FY 25-26

Low-barrier Navigation Center Operations




Special Resource Team (SRT)




Street Outreach – Service Providers (Moving Forward & PATH)




Be Well OC Mobile Response Team




Workforce Activation and Readiness Program (WARP)




2-1-1 OC Homeless Management Information System Data




Caltrans Collaborative Project




Total Cost (FY 23-24, 24-25, 25-26)


Administrative costs (5%)


Total Requested Amount



It is recommended that the City Council


  •  Adopt the Resolution to authorize participation in the Encampment Grant Resolution Funding (ERF-2-R) Program by approval of the resolution;
  • Direct the City Manager to finalize preparatoin and submittal of an Encampment Resolution Grant application, and authorize execution of  necessary agreements for grant implementation. 



By:    Christy Le, Homeless Liaison Analyst



Attachment 1: Resolution



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