Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.e.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Amir El-Farra
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police Chief 

Authorization for the appropriation of Fiscal Year 2022-23 Public Safety Realignment and Postrelease Community Supervision grant funds.  (Action Item



To obtain City Council approval to use moneys allocated by the State for Public Safety Realignment and Post-Release Community Supervision, and to appropriate these funds for FY 2022-23 budget.


Assembly Bill 109, titled “2011 Realignment Legislation Addressing Public Safety,” became effective on July 1, 2011, and provided for the enactment of the “2011 Postrelease Community Supervision Act” (herein after referred to as “AB109”). AB109 requires that certain offenders be released into the community under the supervision of a designated county agency (Orange County Probation).


Prior to this legislation, these offenders would have either remained incarcerated in State prison or been released under the supervision of State Parole. AB109 shifted the burden of “supervision” from the State to local law enforcement agencies.


Garden Grove received an allocation of approximately $190,473 in FY 2022-23 state AB109 funding for local law enforcement agencies. This funding provides additional resources for local law enforcement services, and supplanting is prohibited by statute.


Using AB109 funds to supplement funding for public safety-related services creates no burden on the City’s General Fund.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Authorize the appropriation of FY 2022-23 Public Safety Realignment and Post-Release Community Supervision funds to the Police Department for FY 2022-23 budget.


By:     Courtney Cibosky

Police Fiscal Analyst

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AB109 BOS approved LLE1/10/2023Backup MaterialAB109_BOS_approved_6.28.22_Attachment_M_LLE_Allocation.pdf