Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:General Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Approval of a Quitclaim of an Easement for sanitary sewer purposes to the City of Stanton, California. (Action Item)



For the Garden Grove Sanitary District Board (District) to approve a quitclaim of an easement (Easement) for sanitary sewer purposes to the City of Stanton over the alley located in the rear area of 7931 Lampson Avenue, Stanton, California.


In the design phase for the development of 12345 through 12435 Beach Boulevard (APNs 131-361-09 and 10), it was noted that the rear alley that travels north-to-south, along the western portion that connects from 12345 Beach Boulevard crossing through 7931 Lampson Avenue (APN 131-361-12) and onto Lampson Avenue has a sanitary sewer Easement in-place. The recorded Easement was dedicated to the District. The existing sewer line that services all the above properties connects directly into the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) trunk line.


On June 28, 2022, the District quitclaimed and recorded with the Orange County Clerk-Recorder the portion of Easement within the limits of the proposed project of 12345 through 12435 Beach Boulevard directly to the developer, Bonanni Development. The developer agreed, accepted, and will repair and maintain the portion of sewer line within its development as a private sewer line.


As the proposed project originates and is confined within the boundaries of the City of Stanton, and the sewer line connects directly into the OCSD trunk line, the District has no need for the Easement and may transfer ownership responsibilities to the City of Stanton. The City of Stanton has agreed, accepted, and will be legally responsible to repair and maintain the portion of the sanitary sewer line from within the 7931 Lampson Avenue parcel. Therefore, the quitclaim of the Easement to the City of Stanton is appropriate. Attached to this report is the Quitclaim Deed and description that will be deeded to the City of Stanton.


There is no financial impact.


It is recommended that the Sanitary District Board of Directors:

  • Approve the Quitclaim Deed for Sanitary Sewer purposes to the City Stanton;


  • Authorize the General Manager to execute the Quitclaim Deed; and


  • Authorize the Secretary to record the Quitclaim Deed with the Orange County Clerk-Recorder.


By:  Rebecca Li, Sr. Civil Engineer

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Certificate of Acceptance with Quitclaim Deed10/17/2022Backup MaterialCertificate_of_Acceptance_with_Quitclaim_Deed.pdf
Stanton City Council Minutes10/17/2022Backup MaterialStanton_City_Council_Minutes.pdf