Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.g.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Tom DaRé
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police Chief 

Approval of an agreement with A3 Communications, Inc., dba Blue Violet Networks to provide materials and labor for a new keycard access and security system. (Cost: $116,413.09) (Action Item)



To obtain City Council approval of an agreement with A3 Communications, Inc. dba Blue Violet Networks (Blue Violet) to install a new keycard door entry and security system at the Police headquarters at 11301 Acacia Parkway and at the Purcell building at 11277 Garden Grove Boulevard. This system will replace the old system that is currently in use at the Police headquarters.

The Garden Grove Police Department currently utilizes a “Keri” card security system that monitors and restricts access to the main police department building, the property and evidence annex and the off-site Special Services building.


The current system has been in use for approximately ten years and requires constant maintenance. The system aged out of support in 2018, which prevents updating the current access cards. As technology is ever evolving, it is important to replace the system as it has reached its end of life use.

In September 2021, the City Council awarded a contract to Blue Violet for the purchase and installation of a new jail surveillance camera system under RFP S-1276-A. In August 2022, Department staff contacted Blue Violet to request a quote for additional surveillance cameras as well as a card security system.


Blue Violet quoted prices pursuant to a California Department of General Services Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Contract 3-17-84-0052B, which qualifies as a authorized procurement under Garden Grove Municipal Code section 2.50.060(E) as a piggy-back purchase dispensing with the requirement for an RFP process.  As part of this project, security monitoring will also be added to the newly acquired Purcell building, located at 11277 Garden Grove Boulevard, which will be housing various city departments.  

The portion of the project related to the Purcell building will be funded by monies appropriated for the CIP-Civic Center Purcell Building Improvement. Funding for the Police Department buildings will be a combination of unspent funds appropriated in FY22 and carried over to FY23 (Fund 204: $91K) and FY23 non-General Fund appropriations being repurposed for this project. There will be no additional impact on the General Fund.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve an agreement with A3 Communications, Inc., dba Blue Violet Networks, in the amount of $116,413.09, to provide labor, materials, and services for the installation of a new keycard door entry and security system at the Police headquarters at 11301 Acacia Parkway and at the Purcell building at 11277 Garden Grove Boulevard; and


  •  Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the City and make minor modifications as appropriate


By: Lieutenant Brian Dalton

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
A3 Communications Blue Violet Contract FY239/20/2022AgreementA3_COMMUNICATIONS_BLUE_VIOLET_CONTRACT_FY_23_FINAL.pdf
Blue Violet CMAS Contract 3-17-84-0052B9/20/2022Backup MaterialBlue_Violet_CMAS_Contract_3-17-84-0052B.pdf
A3 Blue Violet CMAS Contract Supplemental 20229/20/2022Backup MaterialBlue_Violet-A3_CMAS_Contract_3-17-84-0052B__2_Supp_2_Updated_2022.pdf
Attachment A-A3 Blue Violet Page 19/20/2022Backup MaterialAttachment_A-A3_Blue_Violet_Page_1.pdf
Attachment A-A3 Blue Violet Page 29/20/2022Backup MaterialAttachment_A-A3_Blue_Violet_Page_2.pdf