Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.e.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development Department 

Adoption of a Resolution approving a Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions with West St Investment LLC for property located at 13871 West Street, and award a contract to Borders Architect for architectural services. (Cost:  $5,650,000) (Cost: $304,000) (Action Item



For the City Council to adopt a Resolution to authorize approval and execution of Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions with West St Investment LLC for property located at 13871 West Street; and, approve an exemption to the bidding process, and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Borders Architects for architectural services related to advancing a future navigation center. 


Resources have been implemented since adoption of the City’s 2021 Comprehensive Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness (CSPAH), which serves as a five-year roadmap to identify pathways to connect homeless individuals to resources and programs. A few notable action items are summarized below:




Development a comprehensive website portal.



Data Dashboard

Activated a Homeless Data Dashboard conveys the number of homeless and at-risk individuals assisted on a quarterly basis, as well as the funds expended to administer the six (6) eligible activities (Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Rapid Rehousing, Homelessness Prevention, and Workforce Development).




Provide Street Outreach services in coordination with the Garden Grove Police Department - Special Resource Team (SRT) and a local non-profit to support individuals who are homeless.



Be Well OC

Deployment of an 18-month Mobile Response Team program address certain mental health calls for service.




Collaborated with United Way through their United to End Homelessness Initiative to facilitate informational webinars about Homelessness 101 and Navigation Center 101.



Tri-cities MOU

Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the cities of Fountain Valley and Westminster to jointly collaborate, develop and contribute funding for a future navigation center.



Navigation Center Webpage 

Added a new future Navigation Center resource webpage along with an FAQ summary.



Community Engagement

Hosted two (2) community meetings on August 17, and 30, 2022 to share information about the future navigation center.




Secured initial funding commitment from the County of Orange in the amount of $11.3M (Attachment No. 1)



In furthering implementation of the CSAPH, staff has been actively identifying possible sites within the City’s homeless shelter overlay zone for development of a navigation center.

In recent months, efforts to identify a suitable property for a future navigation center has been significantly challenged due to limited real estate inventory. After extensive brokerage engagement, an off-market property located at 13871 West Street and within the City’s homeless shelter overlay zone was identified. The property sits on a 0.41 acre or approximately 18,166 square foot lot. It is developed with two adjoining industrial structures totaling 11,363 square feet. The primary building is 9,653 square feet and recently rehabilitated. An adjacent smaller building is 1,774 square feet. Per the Assessor’s mapping, the Assessor Parcel Number is 100-591-08.


Staff received Council direction to proceed with negotiations towards property acquisition of 13871 West Street at the August 9, 2022 meeting. To that end, property acquisition negotiations initiated with Ashwill Associates, on behalf of the property owner (West St Investments LLC). The terms of the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Attachment No. 2) outlines the negotiated purchase price of $5,600,000. This purchase price has been confirmed by a Fair Market Value appraisal prepared by Vanguard Realty Advisors. The escrow period is anticipated to be approximately six (6) months upon execution date of the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions.  Staff will be working through a number of due diligence items including: further site assessment, final schematic design, project scope development, architectural plans, along with finalizing funding commitments with the cities of Fountain Valley and Westminster.


Provided is a general overview of additional action items to be completed:

  • Project Scope: Further refinement of the Project Scope for the Central Cities Navigation Center will be undertaken in the next 60 days. A preliminary schematic plan has been developed. (Attachment No. 3)  In concept, the proposed navigation center is anticipated to support 80-100 individuals experiencing homelessness within the participating Central SPA cities. The navigation center will be a referral-only based facility with managed and controlled (transportation) access in and out.
  • Service Provider: A formal Request for Proposals (RFP) will be released in mid-September 2022 for solicitation of a service provider for the Central Cities Navigation Center operations. Selection of a preferred service provider for the Navigation Center prior to construction is recommended.
  • Professional Architectural and Engineering Plans: Given priority of advancing the navigation center is in the best interest of public, health and safety, initiating work associated with design development plans and construction documents is critical to project delivery. Borders Architect brings extensive experience in providing architectural services for municipalities, and has successfully completed several navigation center projects including delivery of design development and construction documents for cities of Costa Mesa (Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter/70-bed site), Fullerton (Fullerton Navigation Center/90-bed site) and Santa Ana (Carnegie Navigation Center/200-bed site). It is recommended that City Council find that it is in the best interest of the City to waive the bidding requirements per GGMC 2.50.060.G and approve an award of contract to Borders Architects in the amount of $304,000 to complete the design development plans and construction documents for Central Cities Navigation Center. (Attachment No. 4)
  • Project Funding: Concurrently with funding commitment by the County of Orange, staff is finalizing terms to the Tri-Cities MOU Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the cities of Fountain Valley and Westminster for operation and funding of the Central Cities Navigation Center.


In closing, it is recommended that the City Council approve the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions with West St Investment LLC for acquisition of 13871 West Street by the City in the amount of $5,600,000, and further direct staff to advance implementation of the Central Cities Navigation Center project.



Funds have been budgeted in the Biennial Budget for FY 2021-2022 and FY 2022-2023 for the Navigation Center project.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt a Resolution to authorize approval and execution of the Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions with West St Investment LLC for acquisition of 13871 West Street by the City in the amount of $5,600,000, and an amount of $50,000 for escrow, title and broker related costs; (Attachment No. 5)


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Borders Architect in the amount of $304,000, and make minor modifications thereto as needed; and,


  • Direct staff to accelerate advancement of the Central Cities Navigation Center, as appropriate.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
County Commitment Letter9/8/2022Letter9-13-22_-_Letter_from_the_County.pdf
Purchase and Sales Agreement 9/6/2022AgreementAttachment_No._2_-_Purchase_and_Sale_Agreement.pdf
Schematic Plan9/6/2022ExhibitAttachment_No._3_-_Schematic_Plan.pdf
Professional Services Agreement- Borders Architect 9/6/2022AgreementBorders_Architects_Agreement._CC_9.13.22.pdf