Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 8.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Update on the progress of a future navigation center as requested by City Manager Stiles. (Action Item)



To update the City Council on the progress of a future navigation center as requested by City Manager Stiles.

The 2021 Comprehensive Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness (CSPAH) presently serves as a planning document enabling the City to be strategic in identifying ways to connect homeless individuals to resources and programs. The CSPAH identifies goals and strategic actions to address homeless solutions and prevention over the next five years including exploring development of a navigation center. A summary of current CSPAH activities is available on the City’s website at


In addition, the City’s Homeless Data Dashboard conveys the number of homeless and at-risk individuals assisted on a quarterly basis, as well as the funds expended to administer the six (6) eligible activities (Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Rapid Rehousing, Homelessness Prevention, and Workforce Development) at


At the July 12, 2022 meeting, a report was provided on approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the cities of Fountain Valley and Westminster to jointly collaborate towards development of a navigation center including funding contributions towards construction and operations. In addition, a NEW Future Navigation Center resource page was added to the City’s End Homelessness website at


As previously reported, the identification of suitable and prospective industrial properties for a future navigation center has been significantly challenged due to limited real estate inventory. After extensive brokerage engagement, an off-market property located at 13871 West Street and within the City’s homeless shelter overlay zone was identified. The property sits on a 0.41 acre or approximately 18,166 square foot lot. It is developed with two adjoining industrial structures totaling 11,363 square feet. The primary building is 9,653 square feet and recently rehabilitated. An adjacent smaller building is 1,774 square feet. (Attachment No. 1)


The proposed navigation center is anticipated to support up to 80 individuals experiencing homelessness within the participating Central SPA cities. The navigation center will be a referral-only based facility with managed and controlled (transportation) access in and out. If the property is acquired, a formal RFP will be developed at a later date for solicitation of a service provider for the navigation center operations.


Staff is requesting City Council direction and concurrence with proceeding on negotiations for the acquisition of 13871 West Street.


Community Outreach

In coordination with the Garden Grove Police Department/Special Resources Team (SRT), staff is also planning for two Community Meetings that are tentative scheduled as follows:


1)    Community Meeting No. 1 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.


2)    Community Meeting No. 2

Tuesday, August 30, 2022 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.


Once the logistics and meeting locations are finalized, the information will be made available on the City’s Future Navigation Center website ( as well as other City social media outlets. Additional information about recent Homelessness 101 and Navigation Center 101 webinars are also available on the City’s End Homelessness website as referenced above.



Funds have been budgeted in the Biennial Budget for FY 2021-2022 and FY 2022-2023 for the Navigation Center project.


It is recommended that the City Council direct the City Manager to negotiate a Purchase and Sale Agreement and related documents for 13871 West Street for the City's first navigation center.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Attachment No. 1 (13871 West Street)8/2/2022Backup MaterialAttachment_No_1_(13871_West_Street).pdf