Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Award a contract to Select Electric, Inc., for the construction of Project No. 02-2022, Main Street Electrical Project. (Cost: $379,871) (Action Item)



For the City Council to award a contract to Select Electric, Inc. for the construction of the Main Street Electrical Project, Project No. 02-2022.  Contract is between the Garden Grove Community Foundation (GGCF), Select Electric, Inc., and the City.


Historically, events held on Main Street that were sponsored by either the City of Garden Grove (City) or the Downtown Main Street Business Association that required electrical power sourced via leased generators or a system of power cords from Main Street merchants and the City’s electrical panel located in Pecor Plaza.


In April 2021, the County of Orange awarded the GGCF funds to assist the City and its local businesses to implement programs and projects that would sustain businesses and continue to attract commerce during the Coronavirus-19 Pandemic. Through the use of these funds, the City proposed a permanent and safe means of electrical power for each of the 32 tree wells located on Main Street and to service the existing electrical panel that will provide the power.


The GGCF completed the hiring of an electrical consultant, the electrical plans, and the solicitation of bids.


The proposed project includes servicing the existing electrical panel; installing underground electrical conduit lines into the built-out street improvements via boring and street trenching to avoid or minimize damage to the sidewalk decorative plaques and discontinued pavers; electrical power to all 32 tree wells; tree rope lighting; electrical boxes to selected trees; trench and new concrete ribbon restoration.


Four qualified bids were received and opened by the City Clerk’s Office on July 5, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.  The lowest qualified bidder is Select Electric, Inc. The licenses and references of the contractor were reviewed and verified by staff, and all other documentation is in order.


The anticipated construction schedule is as follows:


Award Contract                                        July 12, 2022

Begin Construction (estimated)               July 25, 2022

Complete Construction (estimated)        September 6, 2022


The contract amount, along with the contingency, will be established in the not-to-exceed amount of $379,871. Funding is provided by the Small Business Relief Program Grant funds awarded to the Garden Grove Community Foundation, and general funds included in the Economic Development operational budget.

It is recommended that the City Council:

  • Award a contract to Select Electric, Inc., in the amount of $379,871, for the construction of Project No. 02-2022, Main Street Electrical Project between the Garden Grove Community Foundation (GGCF), Select Electric Inc., and the City; and 
  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract and to make minor modifications as necessary and appropriate on behalf of the City.


By:  Paul Guerrero, Real Property Agent

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Main Street Electrical Improvement Project Plans7/6/2022Backup MaterialMain_Street_Electrical_Improvements_Project_Plans.pdf
Bid Results7/6/2022Backup MaterialBid_Results.pdf