Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 2.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:General Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Approval of a Quitclaim Sewer Easement to the property owner for 12331 through 12435 Beach Boulevard, Stanton, California.  (Action Item)



For the Garden Grove Sanitary District Board (District) to approve a quitclaim deed for the property pertaining to 12331 through 12435 Beach Boulevard, Stanton, California for a sewer easement.


Bonanni Development (Owner) purchased the site located at 12331 through 12435 Beach Boulevard (Property) and is in the process to develop the Property into a 321 unit apartment complex.


Currently, there is an 8” sewer line located in the alley, running along the western portion of the Property from north-to-south onto Lampson Avenue and into the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) trunk line that serves the Property. On behalf of the District, a recorded easement for the sewer line is in-place.


At the Owner’s expense, the Owner plans to remove and replace the existing 8" sewer line along the same alignment at a deeper depth to meet the invert of the 60" OCSD manhole located on Lampson Avenue.


As the Project originates and is confined within the city limits of Stanton and as the current and future 8” sewer line connects directly onto the OCSD trunk line, the District has no need of a sewer easement. The Owner has accepted and will maintain the sewer line as a private sewer. Therefore, a quitclaim of the easement to the Owner for the area within the Property is appropriate.


The quitclaim deed and description of the easement area will be deeded to the Owner and is included as an attachment to this report.




It is recommended that the Sanitary District Board of Directors:

  • Approve the attached Quitclaim Deed for property located at 12331 through 12435 Beach Boulevard, Stanton, California for the sewer easement;
  • Authorize the General Manager to execute the Quitclaim Deed; and
  • Authorize the Secretary to record the Quitclaim Deed with the County Recorder.


By: Paul Guerrero, Real Property Agent

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Quitclaim Deed for Owner6/29/2022Backup MaterialGGSD_QUITCLAIM_BONANNI_Rev(2).doc