Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Adoption of Resolutions confirming the annual levy of Fiscal Year 2022-23 assessments for the Garden Grove Street Lighting District, the Garden Grove Street Lighting District No. 99-1, and the Garden Grove Park Maintenance District.  (Action Item)



For City council to conduct a public hearing prior to adoption of the FY 2022-23 assessments for: 1) the Garden Grove Street Lighting District, 2) the Garden Grove Street Lighting District No. 99-1, and 3) the Garden Grove Park Maintenance District.


On May 24, 2022, City Council adopted Resolution Nos. 9730-22, 9731-22, 9732-22 declaring its intention to levy and collect Fiscal Year 2022-23 assessments to pay for street lighting and park maintenance services.

The purpose of the public hearing is to receive testimony on the question of the annual assessments for parcels located within the Street Lighting District, Street Lighting District No. 99-1, and Park Maintenance District. The proposed assessments are based on rates and methodology as previously adopted in FY 2021-22 by the City Council for the Garden Grove Street Lighting District and the Garden Grove Park Maintenance District. There will not be an increase in the assessments this fiscal year.   

The adoption of street lighting and park maintenance assessments will raise approximately $1,300,000 in street lighting revenues and $700,000 in park maintenance revenues.  The assessments will be collected by the County.


It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions:


1. For the Garden Grove Street Lighting District No. 99-1:

  • Conduct a public hearing for the proposed annual levy of assessments;
  • Receive the report of the City Clerk regarding protests received; and

  • Assuming there is no majority protest, adopt the Resolution confirming the assessment in Street Lighting District No. 99-1 for FY 2022-2023.

 2.  For the Garden Grove Park Maintenance District:

  • Conduct a public hearing for the proposed annual levy of assessments;

  • Receive the report of the City Clerk regarding protests received; and

  • Assuming there is no majority protest, adopt the Resolution confirming the assessment in the Garden Grove Park Maintenance District for FY 2022-2023. 

3.   For the Garden Grove Street Lighting District

  • Conduct the public hearing for the proposed annual levy of assessments:

  • Receive the report of the City Clerk regarding protests received; and  

  • Assuming there is no majority protest, adopt the Resolution confirming the assessment in the Garden Grove Street Lighting District for FY 2022-23. 




By: Trevor Smouse, Sr. Administrative Analyst

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
RESOLUTION DISTRICT NO.99-16/1/2022Resolution2A._Resolution-99-1_PH_FY22.23.docx
RESOLUTION PARK6/1/2022Resolution2B._Resolution-Park_Assessment_PH_FY22.23.docx
RESOLUTION LD6/1/2022Resolution2C._Resolution-Lighitng_District_PH_FY22.23.docx