Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Award a contract to R.J. Noble Company, for Various Street Rehabilitation 2022 Projects. (Cost: $4,971,340) (Action Item continued from the May 24, 2022, City Council meeting.)



For the City Council to award a contract to R.J. Noble Company for various streets rehabilitation 2022 projects, which includes: Newland Street from Trask Avenue to Garden Grove Boulevard (Project No. CP1322000); Mays Avenue from Yockey Street to Magnolia Street (Project No. CP1323000); Hazard Avenue from Bushard Street to Ward Street (Project No. CP1296000); McFadden Avenue from Ward Street to 600 feet East (Project No. CP1296000); Chapman Avenue from Nelson Street to 9th Street (Project No. CP132000); and Lampson Avenue from Harbor Boulevard to Haster Street ( Project No. CP1297022).


The streets being rehabilitated in this package of projects have varying issues surrounding their need for rehabilitation.  Each street will be addressed with different rehabilitation measures to properly manage the unique circumstances and will involve some or most of the following elements: full depth reclamation and cement treatment, street section removal and replacement  ("dig outs"), cold milling and asphalt paving, repair of damaged sidewalk, curb & gutter, cross gutter, upgrade of access ramps, installation of CCTV Cameras, catch basin CPS Screens, adjustment of utility covers to finish grade, restoration of traffic signing, striping, & pavement markings, reestablishment of centerline ties and monuments.


A portion of work on Hazard Avenue lies within the shared boundary with the City of Westminster.  The City of Westminster will be responsible for a portion of the cost of the proposed street improvements with the approval of a cooperative agreement.


Staff solicited bids for this project pursuant to Municipal Code Section 2.50.100. Four (4) qualified bids were received at the City Clerk's office by 11:00 a.m. on May 11, 2022. The lowest qualified contractor was All American Asphalt, with a total bid of $4,798,930. However, the total bid price listed by All American Asphalt was written as $478,930.00 and written down in words in that same amount. R.J. Noble Company submitted a protest and appeal of the low bidder's bid due to the mistake in All American Asphalt's total bid price.  Copies of R.J. Noble Appeals and All America Asphalt's responses are attached.


After reviewing R.J. Noble Company's protest and appeal, staff recommends that the Council let the contract to the second low bidder, R.J. Noble Company.


Public Contracts Code 5101(a) prohibits the City from changing a bid because of a bidder's mistake.  Public Contracts Code 5101(a) provides that the City may instead relieve the bidder of the bid if the bidder meets the requirements of Public Contract Code 5103 by showing: (a) that a mistake was made, (b) the bidder notified the City within 5 working days of the mistake and specifying how the mistake occurred, (c) that the mistake made the bid materially different than what the bidder intended it to be, and (d) that the mistake was made in filling out the bid and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans or specifications.  


Because All American Asphalt’s mistake in tabulating the total amount of the bid closely resembles the provisions of the foregoing statues pertaining to bid mistakes, it will be difficult to justify the waiver of the mistake, and the City must consider letting a contract to All American Asphalt in the amount of $478,930.00, which was quoted both in numbers and written out in letters in that amount.  However, as recognized in All American Asphalt's response to the R.J. Noble Protest, letting the contract for $478,930.00 would be unconscionable and would be rendered unenforceable.


While the City reserved the right to waive irregularities in a bid, various court cases limit that right.  Under case law, the City is permitted to waive irregularities only if the irregularity is insubstantial and does not materially affect the proposal. Whether an irregularity is substantial depends on whether it gives the bidder an advantage over other bidders and whether the irregularity affects the price.  Here, the irregularity clearly and directly affects the bid’s price, and letting the contract at any amount other than the quoted $478,930.00 will constitute a correction to the bid by the City that gives All American Asphalt a clear advantage over the other bidders.


All American Asphalt suggests that the Bid Specifications allow the City to correct bids if unit prices and the total amount for any item are not in agreement.  However, those provisions of the Bid Specifications apply to individual line item prices, not to the total bid price that is required to be calculated and listed in the Bid Form as the total contract price.


Staff therefore recommends that the City Council award the contract to R.J. Noble as the responsive second low bidder for the project in the amount of $4,971,340.00.  This bid amount is within the current project budget. The licenses and references of the contractor have been reviewed and verified by staff, and all other documentation is in order.

The anticipated contract schedule is as follows:

Award Contract    - June 14, 2022
Begin Construction (estimated)    - July 5, 2022
Complete Construction (estimated)   - January 24, 2023


There is no net negative impact to the General Fund. These improvements were included in the Fiscal Year 2021-23 Capital Improvement Plan budget and are funded by Measure "M2 Local Fair Share," Gas Tax, Red Light Camera fees, and the City of Westminster's pro-rata share.

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Award a contract to R.J. Noble Company, in the amount of $4,971,340.00 for Various Streets Rehabilitation 2022 Projects which includes Newland Street from Trask Avenue to Garden Grove Boulevard; Mays Avenue from Yockey Street to Magnolia Street; Hazard Avenue from Bushard Street to Ward Street; McFadden Avenue from Ward Street to 600 feet East; Chapman Avenue from Nelson Street to 9th Street; and Lampson Avenue from Harbor Boulevard to Haster Street; and 


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with R.J. Noble and make minor modifications as appropriate on behalf of the City.



By: Navin Maru, Associate Engineer

  Omar Sandoval, City Attorney

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Bid Summary5/12/2022Backup Material1_Bid_Summary_Sheet.docx
R.J. Noble Protest and Appeal6/7/2022Backup Material2022-05-19_RJ_Noble_Protest.pdf
AAA Response to protest6/7/2022Backup Material2022-05-23_AAA_re_Submittal_Irregularity.pdf
AAA Supplemental Response to Protest6/7/2022Backup Material2022-05-23_AAA_re_Submittal_Irregularity.pdf
AAA Further Response to Protest6/7/2022Backup Material220527_AAA_RES_BD_PROT_GG.pdf
RJ Noble Supplemental Protest6/7/2022Backup MaterialRJ_Noble_Supplemental_Protest.pdf