Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Adoption of Resolutions for Initiating proceedings for the Levying of Fiscal Year 2022-23 Assessment for:  City of Garden Grove Street Lighting District, Street Lighting District No. 99-1, the Park Maintenance District, the Engineer's Report, and the intention for fixing a time and date to conduct a public hearing. (Action Item)



To adopt resolutions initiating proceedings for the levying of FY 2022-23 assessments for (1) the City of Garden Grove Street Lighting District, (2) the City of Garden Grove Street Lighting District No. 99-1, and (3) the City of Garden Grove Park Maintenance District (hereafter collectively referred to as District(s)); to adopt the resolution approving the Engineer’s Reports for those Districts; and to adopt the Resolutions of Intention for the levying of FY 2022-23 assessments for those Districts.


Annually, the City of Garden Grove levies assessments against properties within the city to pay for the installation, maintenance, and servicing of public street lighting and park maintenance.  In order to continue the lighting of streets and the maintenance of parks at the current service levels, it is necessary to initiate the proceedings of levying annual assessments per the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. 


The first step in this process is to adopt the resolutions initiating proceedings and order the City Engineer to prepare and file reports for the Districts. The resolutions are included as attachments A1, A2, and A3. The Engineer’s Report for each District contains a general synopsis, financial summaries, a diagram showing District boundaries and the methodology used to determine the assessment levels per land use category.

The following table summarizes District costs, assessment levels and General Fund contributions to cover each District’s balance. The cost for each property owner was calculated based on benefits received from each District.


FY2022-23 District Assessments


District Name

Assessment Revenue

General Fund Contribution

Total District


Street Lighting District




99-1 Lighting 




Park Maint. District





The rates for each District for FY 2022-23 are the same rates adopted by the City Council in FY 2021-22. 


The second step for City Council is to adopt the resolution approving the attached City Engineer’s Report.  This resolution is included as Attachment B. The third and final step is the adoption of a resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments for each District (Attachments C1, C2, C3). Per these resolutions, the public hearing date has been set for June 14, 2022.


The adoption of assessments will raise approximately $1,346,099 in revenue for the Street Lighting District, $9,879 for Street Lighting District 99-1, and $708,284 for the Park Maintenance District.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the attached Resolutions initiating the proceedings and requesting the Engineer to prepare and file a report for: 1) the Street Lighting District (A1), 2) the Street Lighting District No. 99-1 (A2), and 3) the Park Maintenance District (A3);


  • Adopt the attached Resolution approving the Engineer’s Report for: 1) the Street Lighting District, 2) the Street Lighting District No. 99-1, and 3) the Park Maintenance District (B); and


  • Adopt the attached Resolutions of Intention for the Street Lighting District (C1), Street Lighting District No. 99-1 (C2), and the Park Maintenance District (C3).



By:  Trevor Smouse, Sr. Administrative Analyst

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Resolution Initiating Proceedings - Garden Grove Street Lighting District5/12/2022ResolutionA1_GG_St_Lighting_Initiating_Proceedings.doc
Resolution Initiating Proceedings - Garden Grove Street Lighting District 99-15/12/2022ResolutionA2_Dist_99-1_Initiating_Proceedings.doc
Resolution Initiating Proceedings - Garden Grove Park Maintenance District5/12/2022ResolutionA3_Park_InitiatingProceedings_Reso.doc
Resolution City Engineer's Report for the levy of annual assessment - Garden Grove Street Lighting District, Street Lighting District No. 99-1 and Park Maintenance District5/12/2022ResolutionB_Eng_Report_Approval_Reso.doc
Resolution Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments - Garden Grove Street Lighting District5/12/2022ResolutionC1_Lighting_ROI_Reso_setting_PH_6-14-22.doc
Resolution Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments - Garden Grove Street Lighting District 99-15/12/2022ResolutionC2_99-1_ROI_Reso_setting_PH_6-14-22.doc
Resolution Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments - Garden Grove Park Maintenance District5/12/2022ResolutionC3_Park_ROI_Reso_setting__PH_6-14-22.doc
FY 2022-23 Engineer's Report - Street Lighting District5/12/2022Backup MaterialRPT_-_SLD_FY22-23_05-11-22.pdf
FY 2022-23 Engineer's Report - Street Lighting District 99-15/12/2022Backup MaterialRPT_-_SLD_99-1_FY22-23_05-09-22.pdf
FY 2022-23 Engineer's Report - Park Maintenance District5/12/2022Backup MaterialRPT_-_PMD_FY22-23_05-09-22.pdf