Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 6.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Statewide temporary emergency drought regulations update and compliance efforts as requested by City Manager Stiles.  (Action Item)



For the City Council to receive and file the statewide temporary emergency drought regulations, effective as of January 18, 2022, and the implementation of compliance efforts.


On January 18, 2022, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted temporary emergency drought regulations to ensure that urban water conservation continues this year to address continued drought conditions. These regulations will remain in effect for one year contingent upon drought conditions improving. Most of these regulations are already in effect for the City under the permanent water conservation measures ordinance (Title 14, Chapter 14.40 of the Municipal Code). Section 14.40.020 of the Municipal Code outlines the permanent water conservation requirements and contains specific language that further provides guidance to water users, as follows:


  • Watering hours prohibited between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • Watering is limited to 15 minutes per day per station.
  • Water runoff onto adjoining sidewalk, driveway, street, gutter or ditch is prohibited.
  • No washing down hard or paved surfaces.        
  • No washing of vehicles with hose, except by use of hand-held bucket, hand-held hose equipped with a self-closing water shut-off device.
  • Property owners are required to fix leaks, breaks or malfunctioning plumbing.
  • No filling of potable water for decorative fountains/lakes/ponds except for those that recirculate water and filling them is allowed when water has evaporated.
  • No irrigation of landscape within 48 hours after rainfall of at least one fourth of one inch of rain, determined based on records of the National Weather Service, the closest CIMIS station to the parcel or other method acceptable by the City.


The State’s emergency regulations also protect residents of Homeowners Associations (HOAs) from rules and fines/penalties inconsistent with the City’s water conservation measures.  For example, HOA's may not require residents to remove or reduce water-efficient landscaping. There is also City specific regulations that prohibits watering turf medians with potable water, in which the City has been in compliance over the past several years. Most of the City owned medians have been retrofitted to native drought tolerant plants and trees.


The City is currently in Stage 1- Voluntary Conservation- Water Watch and local water storage levels are stable. Under the new emergency drought regulations requirement, the state will be focusing on reviewing the enforcement actions taken by the City. As stated above, the City has met the intent of the state’s regulations through the existing permanent water conservation measures regardless of the water conservation stage level. The City will be conducting public outreach for these state regulations via the water bill, City website and other social media forums.  Enforcement actions will involve the continued use of water waste letters informing the resident/business of specific corrective actions needed in order to stay in compliance with the City and state’s drought regulations. The City has been an active participant in the state’s water waste reporting website accessible to the general public. The City also accepts public reporting of water wasting through the City’s “Report an Issue” website application. The City responds to both reporting forums by mailing a water waste letter to the site address.  City staff will continue to monitor drought conditions and water storage levels.


There is no impact to the General Fund. 


It is recommended that City Council:


  • Receive and file the Statewide Temporary Emergency Drought Regulations and City compliance efforts.


By:  Samuel Kim, P.E. Water Services Manager

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