Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Patricia Song
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Finance 

Adoption of a Resolution establishing a financial hardship waiver program for the City's non-resident first responder fee. (Action Item)



For the City Council to adopt a resolution establishing a fee waiver program for the City's non-resident first responder fee based on proof of financial hardship.


In June 1974, Garden Grove voters approved a property tax increase (override) to pay for emergency paramedic services.  The paramedic tax override is paid by Garden Grove property owners and the rate is currently set at eight cents ($0.08) per one hundred ($100) of assessed valuation.  The paramedic tax override helps to fund the City’s paramedic services currently provided under contract by the Orange County Fire Authority.


The City Council also established a first responder fee for non-residents of Garden Grove who obtain paramedic services within city boundaries.  The fee was most recently adjusted in 2017 to $387.35, which mirrors the current Advance Life Support Support (ALS) rate regulated by the County of Orange. 


The City does not currently have a procedure in place or authorization from the City Council to waive the non-resident paramedic fee based on financial hardship.  Periodically, staff receives calls from non-residents who have received billing for paramedic services and who are unable to cover these costs.  A fee waiver procedure could assist senior citizens and/or those who may not have the resources to pay the fee.  Staff is recommending implementing a process to equitably address requests based on financial hardship.


To be considered for a hardship waiver, the individual would complete, sign, and submit a Non-Resident Financial Hardship Waiver Form with documentation based on one of the following criteria:


  1. Proof the individual is a recipient of the following government programs or their successor programs:  SSI/SSDI, Medi-Cal, Cal Works/Cal Fresh, or Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC Program); and/or
  2. Proof of income below 125% of Federal Poverty guidelines as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services.


Waiver of the fee would be granted upon verification of appropriate documentation as outlined above.  



The financial impact to the General Fund will depend upon the number of waivers granted during the fiscal year.  Staff anticipates approximately 10-20 hardship waiver requests will be granted annually, which will result in a loss of revenue for non-resident first responder fee of up to $7,750.


It is recommended that the City Council:

  • Adopt the attached Resolution establishing a fee waiver program for the city's non-resident first responder fee based on proof of financial hardship; and
  • Direct staff to implement the review procedure as outlined in the staff report.

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