Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 5.e.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Laura J. Stover
Dept.:City Manger 

Dept.: Human Resources 

Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Salary Schedule for the classification of Public Works Trainee. (Action Item)



To obtain City Council approval of the updated salary schedule for the City of Garden Grove.

In 2016, California passed Senate Bill 3 to incrementally increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour.  Effective January 1, 2022, the state minimum wage will be $15 per hour.  After a review of the City’s salary schedule, the salary range for only the classification of Public Works Trainee requires modification to comply with the upcoming changes to the state minimum wage.


To adjust the Public Works Trainee salary range, Steps A and B were eliminated and the new salary rates were added for Steps H and I.  See table below.


      OLD      NEW
 A  14.3308  15.1269
 B  14.7865  15.4673
 C  15.1269  15.9404
 D  15.4673  16.2808
 E  15.9404  17.0596
 F  16.2808  17.9135
 G  17.0596  18.8091
 H  17.9135  19.7486
 I  18.8091  20.7361


The California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 570.5 requires governing bodies of local agencies contracting with CalPERS to approve and adopt a publicly available pay schedule in accordance with public meeting laws. 


As the salary schedule has been amended to comply with the minimum wage laws, particularly for the classification of Public Works Trainee, and in order to comply with the statutory requirements for publicly available pay schedules, Garden Grove City Council is required to amend and approve the salary schedule. 



There is no significant impact to the biennial budget. The increases are minimal and will be absorbed in the existing budget. 


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the attached Resolution approving the amended Salary Schedule of the City of Garden Grove.


DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Resolution Amending Salary Schedule11/30/2021ResolutionCouncil_Agenda_-_PWT_-_Resolution.docx
Exhibit A - Salary Schedule11/30/2021ExhibitExhibit_A_-_Salary_Schedule_2022-01.pdf