Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Receive and file the annual report for the Industrial Development Authority. (Action Item)



The purpose of this report is to provide the Garden Grove Industrial Development Authority (IDA) an annual report on the activities of the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) for 2021.

In 1982, the City of Garden Grove formed the IDA.  Under the State of California guidelines, the IDA acts as the official local coordinating body for low-cost development bonds for industrial companies seeking expansion.  The IDA’s role is to assist industrial-related businesses by facilitating their request for tax-exempt Industrial Development Bonds (IDB).


Although the IDA can call a Special Meeting promptly to facilitate IDB financing, the IDA must meet yearly as stated in its By-Laws.  At the annual meeting, the IDA reviews actions of the CDLAC, which administers the tax-exempt activity bond program for California and approves the issuance of IDB’s as a partner with local government, and the actions of the California Debt and Investment Advisory Committee (CDIAC), which provides policy guidance with respect to public debt and investment activities.


The City has not had any IDB applicants over the last several years.


The IDA can assist the issuance of tax-exempt bonds provided that the company uses the bond proceeds to:


  • Foster job retention and expansion;
  • Fund industrial, manufacturing, or agricultural projects that create tangible products for sale;
  • Fund land, building construction, new equipment or furnishings; and
  •  Fund cost of architects, engineers, attorneys and permits.


As of November 30, 2021, the IDA has had no request for IDB financing assistance.


Staff recommends the continuation of the IDA program as an economic development tool offering industrial and manufacturing businesses alternative sources of financing for land acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation, and infrastructure improvements for businesses in the city of Garden Grove.  Economic Development staff will continue to promote the IDA program as part of its economic development strategy. 


None.  If an industrial company applied for IDB financing, the IDA would only act as a liaison in the State bond process.  Therefore, there is no financial impact to the City.


Staff recommends that the IDA:


  • Receive and file the 2021 update of the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee, the 2021 update of the California Debt and Investment Advisory Committee, and the 2021 Industrial Development Bond Project Program Summary.




By:    Monica Covarrubias

         Sr. Project Manager

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
2021 CDLAC Program Summary11/30/2021Backup Material2021_CDLAC_Program_Summary.pdf
2021 CDIAC Program Summary11/30/2021Backup Material2021_CDIAC_Program_Summary.pdf
2021 Industrial Development Bond Project Summary11/30/2021Backup Material2021_Industrial_Development_Bond_Project_Program_Summary.pdf