Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.b.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Approval of the Extension of the Agreement with Redflex Traffic Systems Inc., for Traffic Photo Enforcement.  (Cost: $369,600) (Action Item)



To request City Council approval to extend the current photo enforcement agreement with Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc. for three (3) years with two (2) one-year extensions.


The City’s Photo Enforcement Program, or red light camera system, was initiated in July of 1999.  The system is currently in effect at eight (8) intersections (see Attachment 1 map locations).  This self-funded program has proven to reduce severe collisions and save lives.


The most recent agreement with Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc. was executed on July 25, 2017.  The contract was for a four (4) year term.  It was extended through December 13, 2021, as approved by the City Council at its July 27, 2021, meeting.


Staff was directed to address several questions regarding the Photo Enforcement Program and present findings to City Council.  The questions included: whether bidding options can be considered to make the program available to other vendors; if updated in-depth safety data can be provided; and should alternate locations for the red light cameras be considered.


In order to keep this beneficial program in place, staff is proposing a three (3) year extension to the current agreement with two (2) one-year extensions.  The basic terms of the original agreement are unchanged. 


To address City Council’s question regarding the consideration of a bidding option, staff was able to identify one additional comparable vendor that offers red light enforcement services, Conduent, Inc.  Staff contacted Conduent to inquire if they would be interested in submitting a proposal for the City’s consideration.  They respectfully declined because their costs would be approximately 50 percent higher than our current costs due to the requirement to install new equipment.


To address the City Council’s safety question, staff contracted with AGA Engineers to provide a third-party analysis and update the Red Light Camera Study presented to City Council on October 27, 2015 (Attachment 2).  The consultant’s study reviewed collisions from 2015 to 2020.  The updated study’s findings were consistent with the 2015 study.  Overall broadside collisions decreased by 67 percent, rear-end collisions decreased by 59 percent, and red light running violations decreased by 49 percent. Removal of cameras from any of the eight intersections would reduce safety.


AGA Engineers also reviewed other intersections in the City to determine if they would be a candidate for photo enforcement.  Garden Grove Boulevard at Magnolia Street and Magnolia Street at Orangewood Avenue were identified as having a higher number of broadside collisions and therefore could potentially benefit from photo enforcement.  If the City approves expanding or modifying the existing Red Light Camera Program to either or both intersections, there may be an increase in costs due to the additional equipment and construction costs that would be necessary to implement the program at the new intersections.


Staff also reviewed the registered zip codes of vehicles that received red light violation citations to determine the impact of the program on Garden Grove residents.  The report showed that 84 percent of citations issued in the last 2 years were to motorists not residing in Garden Grove.



There is no impact to the General Fund.  All program operational costs are covered with program revenues.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve the amendment of the agreement with Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc. extending the existing agreement an additional three (3) years with two (2) one-year extensions; and


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment extending the agreement with Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc., and to exercise the two (2) one-year extensions.



DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Red Light Enforcement Locations11/4/2021ExhibitRed_Light_Enforcement_Camera_Locations-City_Map.pdf
Collision Analysis of the Eight Red Light Camera Intersections in the City of Garden Grove11/3/2021ExhibitGarden_Grove-Red_Light_Camera_Collision_Evaluation_(10-19-21).pdf
Redflex Agreement11/3/2021Agreement11-9-21Redflex_Fifth_Amendment.DOCX