Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.i.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Todd D. Elgin
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Police 
Subject:Approval of Overnight Training for Police Personnel to attend the 2016 "Internet Crimes Against Children" Training Conference. (Action Item)Date:4/12/2016


To obtain approval for three Police personnel to attend the “2016 Internet Crimes Against Children” conference being held in Atlanta, Georgia, April 19-22, 2016.


The Garden Grove Police Department currently is a member of the “Internet Crimes Against Children” (ICAC) Task Force. The Garden Grove Police Department joined the ICAC Task Force in February of 2012.  ICAC is a national network of forty six coordinated local task forces engaged in proactive investigations, forensic examinations and effective prosecutions. Our local Task Force is administered by the Los Angeles Police Department and is based in the City of Long Beach.


The ICAC Task Force Program provides technical resources for the use of the Child Victim Identification Program (CVIP) through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. CVIP offers law enforcement the ability to check their case files for known victims as well as providing a clearinghouse for the submission of newly identified child victims. The ICAC Task Force was developed in response to the increasing number of children and teenagers using the Internet, the proliferation of child pornography, and the heightened online activity by predators searching for unsupervised contact with underage victims.


ICAC provides technical resources, cutting edge training and internet/computer expertise to members of local Task Forces. The Task Force system also gets law enforcement personnel together to network and share information.


Internet crimes are rapidly evolving. Many sexual predators are using the internet to network with others, meet their victims and share child pornography. Police training must try to keep pace with these sophisticated criminals who are victimizing children on an international level.


The training conference will provide training workshops and expose new members of the Sexual Assault Unit to the latest crime trends and investigative tools available to combat sexual predators who hide behind the Internet to commit their crimes.  


The total approximate cost for three Police personnel to attend the ICAC Conference is $3,050, which includes transportation, registration fees, meals and lodging.


The ICAC Task Force has approved three personnel from the Garden Grove Police Department to attend this conference. As participating members of the local ICAC Task Force, the costs to attend this conference are fully reimbursable to the city through the federal government.    


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Approve the request for three Police personnel to attend the Internet Crimes Against Children Training Conference, held in Atlanta Georgia, April 19-22, 2016.



By: Lt. Ben Stauffer

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