Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Adoption of a Resolution approving the submittal of an application to the Orange County Transportation Authority for the Garden Grove Boulevard Rehabilitation Project.  (Grant Amount: $506,380) (Action Item)



For City Council to adopt a resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for the Garden Grove Boulevard Rehabilitation Project to the Orange County Transportation Authority’s (OCTA) 2021 Pavement Management Relief Funding (PMRF) Program.


On December 27, 2020 the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriation Act of 2021(CRRSAA) was signed into law. Through CRRSAA funding, OCTA created the PMRF Program as one-time funding program to provide assistance to Orange County cities for local street and road maintenance and rehabilitation projects. CRRSAA funded projects will be approved by the California Transportation Commission at their meeting in January 2022.


OCTA is distributing funding for the PMRF Program based upon population. The City of Garden Grove is to receive $506,380 in CRRSSA funding. The Garden Grove Boulevard Rehabilitation Project will rehabilitate Garden Grove Boulevard from Harbor Boulevard to Fairview Street.


There is no impact to the General Fund, and no match funds are required to receive PMRF funding.


It is recommended that the City Council: 


  • Adopt a Resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant application for the Garden Grove Boulevard Rehabilitation Project to OCTA's 2021 PMRF Program.



By: Trevor Smouse, Sr. Administrative Analyst

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