Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 4.g.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Kimberly Huy
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Approval of Orange County Transportation Authority Senior Mobility Program Agency Service Plan for the H. Louis Lake Senior Center.  (Action Item)



To request City Council approval of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Senior Mobility Program (SMP) Agency Service Plan for the H. Louis Lake Senior Center. 


In June 2009, the City Council approved a Cooperative Agreement with OCTA for the Senior Mobility Program for the H. Louis Lake Senior Center (Center).  Under the SMP, OCTA provides funding for transportation services offered to senior citizens at the Center. The SMP transportation services are currently offered through an Agreement with California Yellow Cab.


Policy guidelines for the City's SMP were approved by the OCTA Board of Directors as part of the Cooperative Agreement. OCTA has revised these guidelines and is requiring the City of Garden Grove H. Louis Lake Senior Center to complete an Agency Service Plan for the current Senior Mobility Program. The Plan will be incorporated as an attachment to the new Cooperative Agreement between OCTA and the City of Garden Grove. The current SMP Cooperative Agreement will expire on June 30, 2016. 


Funding for Senior Mobility Program services is split between the City and OCTA.  OCTA provides $183,225 each fiscal year.  The City is required to provide a 20 percent match, a total of $56,100, which will consist of in-kind services.  


It is recommended that the City Council:

  • Approve the attached Agency Service Plan for the Orange County Transportation Authority for the City’s Senior Mobility Program at the H. Louis Lake Senior Center; and

  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the Agency Service Plan on behalf of the City.


By:  Janet Pelayo, Manager

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SMP Agency Service Plan - H. Louis Lake Senior Center3/29/2016Cover MemoSMP_Service_Plan_Form_3-29-16.pdf