Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.d.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:William E. Murray
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Public Works 

Acceptance of City Project Nos. CP-1157000, CP-1176000, and CP-1177000 as complete for traffic signal installation, traffic signal modifications and speed radar feedback signs at various locations. (Action Item)



For City Council to accept City Project Nos. CP-1157000, CP-1176000, and CP-1177000 as complete, and to authorize the City Manager to execute the Notice of Completion of Public Improvement and Work.


The City received federal grants from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) to install a new traffic signal at Trask Avenue/Roxey Drive (Project No. CP-1177000), improve the traffic signal at Trask Avenue/Newland Street (Project No. CP-1176000) and install speed radar feedback signs at 21 school crossing locations (Project No. CP-1157000).  Project No. CP-1177000 and CP-1176000 consisted of installing new traffic signal equipment, cabinets, poles, conduits, cables and vehicle video detection.  As part of the improvements, left-turn phasing was provided and handicap ramps were constructed to meet ADA requirements.  Project No. CP-1157000 consisted of installing 42 speed radar feedback signs at 21 school crossing locations throughout the City.


The contractor, Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc., has completed the improvements in accordance with the plans, specifications, and other contract documents.

There is no financial impact to the General Fund.  The subject projects were funded through HSIP grants and Red Light Camera Program fees.  The projects were completed within the project budget and schedule.  The retention payments will be released after recordation of the Notice of Completion.


It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Accept Project No. CP-1177000 Traffic Signal Installation at Trask Avenue/Roxey Drive, Project No. CP-1176000 Traffic Signal Modifications at Trask Avenue/Newland Street, and Project No. CP-1157000 Speed Radar Feedback Signs at 21 School Crossing Locations, as complete;


  • Authorize the City Manager to execute the Notice of Completion of Public Works Improvement and Work; and


  • Authorize the Finance Director to release the retention payment when appropriate to do so.

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NOTICE OF COMPLETION9/14/2021Notice9-28-21_NOC.pdf