Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.a.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:Lisa L. Kim
Dept.:Director/City Manager 

Dept.: Community and Economic Development 

Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Garden Grove Housing Authority and the City of Garden Grove for the transfer of emergency housing voucher service fees.  (Joint Action Item with the City Council



For the Garden Grove Housing Authority in joint action with the City Council to approve a Memorandum of Understanding for the transfer of Emergency Housing Voucher Service Fees.


On May 10, 2021, the Garden Grove Housing Authority (GGHA) received from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) an award (Attachment B) of 117 Emergency Housing Voucher’s (EHV’s) for the provision of housing assistance to individuals and families who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, or who were recently homeless.


As authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law No: 117-2), HUD’s allocation of 117 EHV’s included the allocation of Service Fees equal to $3,500 per voucher, or $409,500 total, to provide EHV-eligible households with housing navigation services. HUD’s allocation of EHV’s does not include the provision of funding for post-lease, housing sustainability services.


The City's Community and Economic Development Department has existing agreements with non-profit service providers specializing in providing Housing Navigation Services and, as a result, has the experience and is the appropriate division in the City to facilitate the provision of Housing Navigation Services for EHV eligible households. The MOU for the transfer of service fees under the EHV program will facilitate implementation of the programs to implement the EHV program.


There are two types of services associated with the administration of a rental assistance program: 1) Housing Navigation and 2) Housing Sustainability.


1. Housing Navigation – The services and resources provided to a household prior to signing the lease to rent a specific housing unit. These pre-lease services include:

  • Housing search assistance
  • Application and holding fee assistance
  • Security and utility deposit assistance
  • Property owner recruitment and incentives
  • Moving expense assistance
  • Tenant-readiness (i.e. addressing negative credit and/or rental history)
  • Essential household items
  • Renter’s insurance


See attached HUD Notice PIH2021-15 for a full list of EHV-eligible Housing Navigation Services.


2. Housing Sustainability – The services and resources provided to a household after signing a lease to rent a specific housing unit. These post-lease services include:

  • Home maintenance
  • Community and independent living skills
  • Intensive case management
  • Connection to all available resources
  • Transportation
  • Child care
  • Landlord mediation


As a contingency of accepting EHV, the GGHA “is strongly encouraged to consult with its [Continuum of Care] and its other homeless services/victim services referral partners in establishing which activities it will undertake in support of EHV’s…”. To this end, the GGHA has enlisted the assistance of the Community and Economic Development Department staff to list non-profit service providers specializing in both Housing Navigation and Sustainability services to provide EHV-eligible households with the assistance needed to procure and maintain suitable housing units.


Currently, the City contracts with six (6) non-profit service providers to operate Rapid Rehousing (i.e., rental assistance) programs for Garden Grove residents. These service providers have active funding agreements enabling them to provide Housing Sustainability services to EHV-eligible households, which upon approval of the MOU, will be amended to include available EHV Service Fees to provide eligible Housing Navigation services.


The proposed service providers, as well as their estimated allocation of EHV’s and associated Service Fees are summarized in the following table.




Estimated EHV Allocation

EHV Service Fee Amount

Interval House



Community Action Partnership OC



StandUp For Kids OC



Families Forward



Illumination Foundation






Housing for Health OC*






*Housing for Health OC (HHOC) is made up of four (4) of the region’s most respected non-profit service providers (Mercy House, Jamboree Housing, American Family Housing, and Friendship Shelter) and works as a subcontractor of the State-funded, County-operated Whole Person Care (WPC) Program.


There is no impact to the General Fund, nor is there an impact to any previously approved GGHA budget. The funds being transferred were allocated by HUD to the GGHA to provide Housing Navigation Services to households receiving an EHV.


It is recommended that the Garden Grove Housing Authority in a joint action with the City Council:


  • Approve the Memorandum of Understanding for the transfer of Emergency Housing Voucher Fees from the Garden Grove Housing Authority to the City of Garden Grove; and


  • Authorize the City Manager/Executive Director to execute the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Garden Grove Housing Authority and the City.

DescriptionUpload DateTypeFile Name
Memorandum of Understanding8/18/2021AgreementMOU_GGHA-GG_EHV_FY_21-22.docx
EHV Award Letter8/17/2021ExhibitCA102-_Emergency_Housing_Voucher_Award_Letter.pdf
HUD Notice PIH2021-158/17/2021ExhibitPIH2021-15.pdf
Scope of Services and Budget8/17/2021ExhibitScope_and_Budget_GGHA_EHV_FY_21-22.pdf