Item Coversheet

Agenda Item - 3.c.

City of Garden Grove


To:Scott C. Stiles

From:John Montanchez
Dept.:City Manager 

Dept.: Community Services 

Adoption of a Resolution approving a Public Art Donation Policy. (Action Item)



For the City Council to consider adoption of a Public Art Donation Policy that establishes criteria and guidelines for the consideration and installation of temporary or permanent art on City-owned properties that include parks and plazas, and on building facades and utility/traffic signal boxes, deemed appropriate by the City. 

Implementation of this policy is part of the 2020-2021 City Council goals, that establish criteria and guidelines regarding the placement of temporary and permanent art on City property.  The goal was to establish a policy for consideration and acceptance of donated public art; provide a definition of public art; and establish a review process for consideration of donated public art on City-owned properties.

At the meeting of July 8, 2021, the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission reviewed the attached Public Art Donation Policy and recommended it be sent forward to the City Council for adoption.


The attached Public Art Donation Policy creates a definition for public art; provides a list of acceptable government speech topics; identifies the administration of donated public art; encourages both donated and private funding of public art; and establishes a review process and criteria for considering donated public art. 


A Public Art Donation Policy will not have a financial impact to the City's General Fund. 

It is recommended that the City Council:


  • Adopt the Resolution approving the attached Public Art Donation Policy as recommended by the Parks, Art and Recreation Commission for establishing criteria and guidelines for the consideration and installation of temporary or permanent art on City-owned properties, that include parks and plazas, and on building facades and utility/traffic signal boxes, deemed appropriate by the City. 

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Draft Public Art Donation Policy9/17/2021Backup Material700-06_Draft_Public_Art_Donation_Policy.pdf